Fire this morning started from last night’s coals. Warm house this morning but after letting the dog in and out, plus breakfast needs to be made. Douglas and Locust.
-16c/3f at the moment. I just loaded the stove with lodgepole pine after a night of larch. The stove is holding the house temperature nicely at 22c/71f. Its a winter wonderland outside so I look forward to doing a bit of yard work if I dont have to work to much today.
Sitting at -10 C feels like -18 C with the wind for now. Or 14 F feels like 0 F. Don't imagine it was much colder over night. A reload on coals after a good sleep was made possible through the miracle of square split poplar.
Stoked the greedy hungry beast with chunks of soft maple last evening, supposed to see low 60's today and chance of rain rolling in.
We had 29 this morning, we had another shoulder season fire. They have a flood watch on because areas receive 2-5 inches in our last big rains with another 1-2 inches coming in starting tonight, the brook should really be flowing good if we get 2 inches of rain.
Dropping down to 45f tonight, gonna put about 8 pcs in to take the chill out and keep the kids warm, looking at some rain again for the next few days
47 degrees, supposed to go down to 41. Feels pretty comfortable in the house tonight. I'll see if I need a fire in the morning.
We had a high of -9c/16f today with sun and cloud. Its starting to cool down a bit now at -10c/14f. Just reloaded the stove with some doug fir and some c_ap balsam fir that I have. Btus still I guess. Sure is a difference in weight between the two!
As predicted, our highs only got to the mid 30's. Slight drizzle. 99 lbs sister took the ditch today after hitting some slush (and what she called black ice....) while driving her wrangler. Probably one of the poorest vehicles for slippery roads and highway driving, no? She's OK, just a little delayed in getting to her destination. No damage.
Glad shes ok! I bet that got her nerves frayed a bit! Its a very uneasy feeling when you lose control of your vehicle in the snow.
It's 36 degrees tonight so we have another shoulder season fire going. Since we might get another 1-2 inches of rain, we brought in two loads of shoulder season wood today.
Those short wheelbase vehicles like to swap what bumper goes first. Sounds like a set of studded tires may be of use, or a lighter foot. Its 18* and the spruce is a Choochin'
Basically had a fire all day. Last doug split going in. Possible low temps tomorrow morning and really low that night/Monday AM.
42 outside, woke up to 61 inside. Stove is pinging away as it warms up with 2 splits of Maple, and two 3x4 Oak cutoffs
Low 60's to low 70's today with bunches of rain then a cool down this evening. The Greedy Hungry Beast is on standby, (I shut the blower off yesterday morn) so there should be plenty of fire in his belly for a quick re-start when I get home from work this tonight. (work7:30a to 8pm) Be safe out there.
34 this morning with more Pine in the boiler. I've been shutting it down just before bed and then starting it up first thing in the morning. According to the weather guessers it looks like most of November is going to be mild temperatures as well. No complaints, I will get more outside stuff done. But it doesn't seem right.