What do you all consider small, medium, large, or monster trees? Specifically referring to Eastern hardwoods. Thanks
4-10" 10-16" 17-28" 30+ I do very little felling. Just what comes to mind when I'm looking at a tree... No science here.
TurboDiesel has my vote as far as sizing I try sticking with anything under 20” lately the monster stuff doesn’t interest me as far as processing, but given the chance to drop or buck one I’m up for it!
I target trees that I don’t have to split. I don’t pass a tree because I have to split it. I don’t give much thought to small, medium, large, xl, xxl .... More of oh that’s coming home with me. I cut on 6.5 million acres of state land. If I don’t like something I move on. No harm, no foul.
that would be handy... I'm cutting on 40 (recently logged 800 trees) acres at my neighbors and 10 at my moms. I can't get it all fast enough...
It is incredible that the state allows residents to take advantage of the resources that belongs to the residents.
That’s how I felt about the oak I took home this early winter end. Just massive rounds. 30+ across. I had to settle for small limbs and decent sized limbs for the most part. So far it’s good as a pile.
It all depends on use of words. Monster Imo is something rarely enomous. Small is 16-18" medium 20-28 large 30s Hardwood monsters are rare and getting rarer. There are yard trees, then big big woods trees. State champion stuff. It depends on availability to most as well. The bigger trees around me are sycamore, they are probably 6ft in diameter not circumference. You feel small next to them. Hug them it's almost flat like a wall. As far as eastern hardwoods 30 inches is big. I think 50-60+ is monster area. Some species only get so big. I have some large oaks too that are 4-5 feet in diameter and run 50+ feet tall before the crown.
TurboDiesel is right on except I don't consider it a monster till 48" + DBH. Have done one Red & two White Oak in that category & one Maple blow down at 56". Don't care if I never have to screw with another one.
You guys consider a 10" dba tree small? And now I'm reading 16"-18" is considered small? I have several Persimmon that are 16"-18"... they sure don't look small to me and those are old trees for that particular species. I'm going to have to reconsider my wording next time I post...
Their all the same size when I'm done with them. I'm with Turbodiesel's definition as well. I don't like them over 16" or so and prefer to either only have to buck it to length (up to about 6"), or split it once (up to about 8"). But with those size stems it does take a lot of them to make any real pile of wood.
Small is anything up to about 8" in diameter. Medium is 8-16". Large is 16" to 30". Monster over 30". I'm basing my definitions on what is in my woods. Personally I like to cut stuff in the 'medium' range. Not too small as to be a waste of time, not too big that the rounds can't be easily handled. I spent this past Saturday cutting a bunch of 4-10" ash and hop hornbeam, and it was a LOT of work for minimal reward. Took all day to drop, buck and collect 1-1/2 cords of rounds, and I managed to split about a quarter cord of it before I gave up for the day. The nice thing is that the 7-10" stuff pops easily into four splits on the 4-way wedge, so no extra work there.