finally, its not in the mid 70's and the house is actually empty. I have some pine and maple in the stove to make sure that the sealant on my semi hack job install holds. Burning with the windows open to let that nice fall air thats just a little too cold to have them open otherwise.
Oh yeah. Ground is white along with secondary roads. All white. White white white. Months and months of white. Get used to it.
Looks like we are going to cool off. Its great that Halloween will likely be ok for all the little ghosts and goblins! You never know around here.
You would think so, being in the vast frozen wastelands of Sask, but not at all. All in the -10 to -13 C night time temps from Nov. 2nd on. Who knows, a week from now that forecast could be wayyyyy different.
Woke up to a crisp morning and saw snow again on the higher summits. Kicked on the pellet stove and it stopped feeding! Didn't have time to mess with it so waited till after work tonight. Checked pressure switches, auger, and finally found oily pellet dust buildup at the feed motor and auger meeting point. Cleaned it up, motor worked again! So, pellet running at the moment, headed down to 30°F overnight.
The house held its warmth well overnight, but came hone this afternoon to 62, so the beast is choochin. White pine is still the order of the day. Bumped into a real pitchy split that was rocketing black smoke for a few minutes. Ugly, but definitely helped to get the water up from 62 to 175 in a hurry.
absolutely! Im in total practice mode. Fire is still going with the doors open, and my belly is full of comfort food. Saw a thread somewhere else about homemade chicken pot pie....had to have it! Pretty damm impressive for my first attempt if I do say so myself.
Yum! I dragged the Weber out for some green Chile chicken wings and Korean chicken thighs. But I bashed a knuckle splitting, so have to take it easy for awhile.
high of 68...lows not getting to freezing. Open the windows during the day close up at nightfall. Will be burning by sometime next week if the forecast holds.