Dad's Homelite 330 chainsaw is sitting in the shed in a box in pieces; it has been there for many years now. I would really like to get Dad's saw back together. Dad has been gone for a long time but I still miss him a lot and this would make me feel better. What do I need to know? I did notice the chain brake was missing from the saw and was not in the box. When I say in pieces, I literally mean in pieces; not broken pieces, I guess disassembled might be a better term.
I guess I should lay all the parts out and get photos. I think I have the mechanical skill to do this but will need to ask questions.
Are you planning on using it? I would start by searching the web for parts that are missing or in need of replacement and figure out how much I'd have into the saw. If it wasn't going to be too expensive, I'd put a carb kit in and replace anything rubber relating to fuel/impluse. Probably change out any AV rubber too. This would be after checking the cylinder and piston for scoring. Seems like old saw's parts get expensive. In the end it might be something you put together and set on a shelf.
If I got it running I certainly would use it and think about Dad while doing so. If not, then I would still like it back together instead of a box of parts.
Agreed with sorting the parts and verifying whats missing. At least I would be replacing all soft parts. Ie: seals, fuel lines etc. This may not be the same year as your saw but is a good place to start. Homelite 330 (UT-10609) - Homelite Chainsaw Diagrams and Parts List |