Just for reference, my hand and my arm are dwarfed by the bottom layer or leaves while the tops are about my hand size. Not cutting this at all, just the sheer Size of the leaves and it just got trimmed in the spring majorly. Limbs were out of control.
Princess Tree aka Paulownia It will only grow right back if you cut it...so you're not going to "damage" the tree in any way...and I use the term "tree" loosely. When I was going to college the shop I worked at had one of those that kept growing up the building. We all would keep pizzing on it instead of using the bathroom. Didn't kill it. So we chopped it down. It grew right back. I think we finally dug it out and burned it.
Read about this, no intentions of cutting it but says it can grow 15 feet a year. By 3 it should be 35-50 feet. Certainly seems like a wood that would be sustainable for firewood harvest no? The key is turnover at the right time and someone could literally burn this for life if they wanted to....
Some can grow that fast given the right conditions. Even then the growth rate of trees isn't linear going by year. Some grow fast young and others grow faster as they mature. I have one on my place near the road that I could cut but it's not reproducing so I leave it for the moment. I haven't noticed any crazy growth, but it's surrounded by Black Walnut and Hackberry so I'm pretty sure it's outnumbered and just wants to exist as peacefully as possible... They do get a nice looking flower in the spring that looks similar to foxglove.
Haha no it's sort of out of the way for that. I prefer to keep that within reasonable distance from the lawn mower when I'm home.
It just makes it angry, apparently. That looks similar to northern catalpa we have here. Fast growing, and not great BTUs.