Yeah, thanks. Sure enough, there was a buck that decided to cross the road as I came over the crest of a hill. Glad I got the brakes done a little while back. Not quite a panic stop, but put the brakes on harder than you normally would around here!
It's a temp of brrr and a fire of ash and walnut! I hope all you fellas in the coastlines riding out all the hurricanes and rains are doing ok!!
We had a cool 48 with a nice wind so when we came home with the pallet forks, I started a nice pine fire and then the wife wanted a second for drying clothes so the basement was 80. After the baseball game we'll have another. The temp is suppose to drop in the mid 30's tonight.
Damp and rainy hi today 53. Had the electric heater on keeping it 70 in here,, turned it off earlier Put some walnut and boxelder uglies in and fired it up, hi tomorrow 59, low tonight 50
Its 0c here now. Weve had on again off again rain and snow showers today. I got home at 9 pm tonight and was to tired to light a fire so here I sit listening to the furnace. Oh well theres always tomorrow!
Currently 72 with 94% humidity, today 88 with 75% humidity and what I'm burning is me myself and I . Back home I see its in the low 60's and pretty soggy I would take that weather right now!
Getting cooler at night now. About 35 earlier this morning. I may start getting the Wood Gun and chimney ready over the next few days. A good cleaning and check is in order. And replacing all batteries in detectors.
Had fire going yesterday mostly to chase the dampness away. Just got home again a bit ago and wife was starting another fire to chase the chill away. Fine with me. That's the reason we put up firewood!
Weve been around 0c and 4c all day with some snow squalls. No fire last night as I got in late but there will be one tonight. Cant wait! Heres a picture I took on the way to work earlier today. Then this one that was hiding behind a snow squall It was real pretty when it became visible again.
Wow Sean at those temps I would have my fire going all day! Beautiful scenery you have up there! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yeah I find it easier to keep the fire going then it is to restart them but since I have a non cat I haven't been burning steady much yet. I have a nice little lodgepole pine top down fire going now though! This pic is about an hour old. Not sure what to throw on it in about an hour, larch or the less dense doug fir. We will see.
its 37 this morning, and I slept like crap last night. Too tired to care, so the furnace is having its first fire of the year.
Woke up to 31 and a good bed of coals. In went some assorted shorts ( beech, black and white birch, oak, ash, maple and elm make up my stacks). I don't call them uglies as I am shorter than average. Does that make me ugly?
44 this here morning. I think I had the wrong location on my weather channel app the other day when I reported 35. I just realized this morning that I still had Lake Placid up on there. Says 30 for up there this morning.
Sitting at mid 50's now; heading for the low 30's again tonight. Unfortunately, we are having one of those days where you already hit the high temps! It'll just be slowly dropping throughout the day now.
My inner cheapass couldn't take the thought of the furnace any longer. Got some maple in the downstairs stove.