Some seem to think you can forecast the up coming winters weather by them. If that were really the case I would have to say this winters weather is going to be confused. I have seen them that were all black fore telling a hard long winter. Seem them all reddish orange fore telling a mild winter. seversl have been about normal some black reddish orange sections and a bit og black on the tail end. tomight I saw one with maybe a 1/8 inch of black to start, about a inch of reddish orange and a half inch of black on the tail end. Al
I have seen them for years also some that are sort of a blue. You need to use some corn huskers on yoiur hands fellow. . Al
Saw a couple more and neither had much black on them at all. As I was looking I remembered one old neighbor when I was young who used to say that meant an open winter. By that I think he meant not much snow at all. We'll see.