Ouch! That's an expensive replacement! So you got a new tractor. What brand? And did you get a hydro, gear? I had a Kubota with a Glide Shift Transmission (GST). Loved it. I really like the hydro on this tractor. The two pedals make loader work so fast, and I do a lot of loader work.
I have a question for you guys. Would the tractor being unlevel when I'm working cause the power issue? If that power issue is related to hydraulic fuel? I've been thinking about when it usually happens. It usually starts when I'm digging a stump or dirt. Then I thought about it has usually happened where it was muddy. Where I've been building up that road in the low area. The front of the tractor being lower than the back because the front tires have usually sank with the weight of the engine being heavy on them and they being narrower. When I worked for 6-1/2 hour without issue yesterday I was on dry ground digging stumps, pushing brush, rocks, etc. As soon as I went to soft ground I started digging dirt from sides and putting it into middle of trail. Front tires were sunk down, stabilizers keeping back up, and tractor was unlevel.
SOP for running a backhoe is to have the front of the tractor off the ground. Bucket flat, then use the down pressure of the FEL...you will find it much more stable when running the hoe...doesn't answer your question I know...
94BULLITT has 2 Kubota now I think not sure if those replaced the BC? As far as it being muddy or front lower than the rear, you should not be at such an extreme angle that that should make any difference. I would think you would have to get real extreme before you say suck air in the hydro. And fuel, again to suck air you would have to be in an extreme angle. I think 94 was motor really saying your going into the transmission, but more like anything beyond looking at the air filter etc don't do. Let the tech out there work it see the problem and let them tear into it. Which I know is what your doing but he is just giving advice.
I've run a "few" construction grade backhoe loaders over the last 25 years. In addition to my tractors with loader and backhoe implements on them. I was taught a long time ago about using your bucket as a stabilizer and as a "get er unstuck" tool. But you can have your bucket down flat as a stabilizer and in this situation have the back of the tractor higher than the front. Anywho, I think I may be on to something. I kept my stabilizers on the hoe down but not as far. And I kept my front up higher than before. At least level or front slightly higher. No problems today. I'll post some pictures up later tonight of some work I have done.
Note to self. Stop taking afternoon break. The "power" problem or hydraulic fluid bogging down issue started after I took a break and gave tractor a rest in off position.
A few pics from today's work. A drainage ditch clean out first. The beginning of today's trail build up in the low area. I spent a lot of time and got the whole thing up where I want it now.
And a few more. A few of these pics give you an idea of how long a stretch this is. There will be a lot of back and forth here packing it down and then back dragging. Looking at it from the other direction. Taking out a stump as I am getting back into the trees and out of the wet area.
Thanks man. Finally done in that wet area. And none too soon. I put a big push on myself for today to get that section done knowing that the rains were coming. It has rained a little bit here tonight off and on. Now I have a short area between the cross over trail (low stretch) and the main section I worked the other day where I pulled a bunch of stumps and leveled a bunch of skidder ruts. I should be able to join the two together tomorrow if things aren't too wet. I have a big pile of brush on the first landing I will burn after we get enough rain. But not until we do. And I will burn when it's raining. I have had good luck with that so far. About 23 1/2 years owning this home and 4 owning the acreage and I haven't caught anything on fire I wasn't trying to burn.
Oh. Tractor ran good for about 7 hours with a few short breaks in there for caffeine and a snack. I took a break in the afternoon and the "power" issue started again. I guess it has to do with hydraulic fluid. Bogging down when trying to do anything. But I'm not 100% sure. Maybe a screen in the filter. I don't know. But I will let Dave deal with it.
I wish we had more green back here like you do in the area you burn, we have either leaves or pine needles which makes it hard to burn unless there's snow on the ground or really wet.
Yes. Dave has fixed a few things right at my place, inside and outside the barn. But he has taken it to the shop in Ogdensburg when I had those bolts come loose. I need to clean my tractor really good soon, now that I'm done in that wet area.
Pine straw works perfect for carrying a fire. Hehe. Just put a break around it and let it roll on a good burn day. Burn it all
Several more stumps pulled this morning, small to medium size, and leveling of ruts out. I'll leave all the bigger ones for when I can rent an excavator. As of 10am this morning.