Its -1c here right now. Im burning down some pine so I can fill er up with larch or fir. Took the dog into the back yard for a pee a few minutes ago and heard something in my neighbors front yard. I looked over my gate and noticed a burly black bear was munching on a bag of garbage. Glad my husky didnt smell it and jump the fence to chase it. Apparently it wasn't my neighbors garbage but taken from the house next door. Jeesh...
That sounds like a great way to use the forks. Ours is nowhere near that strength. Don't remember for sure but think 2000 lb and they work great.
12 c in leeds uk . Just in from work , first job light fire Second job hang washing up Third job put more wood on Fourth job make a coffee Fifth job put more wood on and wind fire down Sixth job lay on sofa while coffee cools , knowing fool well your gonna nod off listening to the fire crackling and watching the flames . Seventh job put more wood on By the way I'm burning some pine looking stuff
-4c/25f here this morning with a heavy frost. All the leaves are going to come down soon I bet! I went to to do a reload this morning and noticed a brick cracked and fell out of its space so Ill let the stove go cold and replace it tonight. Hopefully I can find the spare bricks I purchased a few years ago.
It's that time of year where mother nature can't make up her mind. We have a few 12-16 C days ahead, with most nights hovering just above freezing so it's par for the course. Last year at this time (tomorrow in fact!) we had snow that came and stuck around for three weeks if I recall. And then it was =10 in the middle of November while I was getting a load of wood.
She is 'lulling' pretty good around here: get up in the morning and it is chilly in the house so start a small fire. Then add a bit of wood because it is not quite enough. Then comfort. Then it warms up outside and it is too warm in the house. Finally, it passes 77F or so outside, the stove is hot, and the only two choices are 1) doors and windows open, leaving the house too warm or 2) turn on the dreaded A/C and use electrical power to chase away wood thermal power. He hangs his head in shame..... Brian
Raining steady here in Amarillo,TX some thunder and lightening too. Heating the shop and some coffee with the Fisher wood stove, wood type not OAK, Maple or Ash.
82 today, setting at 75 now all the windows are open and we got enough stink bugs around here drive a man crazy.
4c right now and im sweating in front of the fire. Theres a good load of nice dry doug fir in the stove.