It was 4 deg above freezing here today with a constant cold driving rain. Theyre calling for wet snow tonight. Hunting season must be near. Lol.
Sure is but we'll take it. I've been getting out early and getting some work done before it gets to the hottest part of the day.
Maaaaayyybeeeee..... We do need a good cold one this year, tho Not quite cold enough to freeze off my twig and berries, but definitely some downright proper icicle weather
I had an oldtimer tell me today that it would be another mild winter. I still haven't seen a Woolly Bear.
Well, yooperdave probably won't send a pic of himself to ya, so you might just be SOL on that score....
Were still getting cooler at night. Into the 60s right now which is like 10 degrees cooler than the summer time. But it is a good 3 to 7 degrees cooler during the daytime high as well.