campinspecter had made one trip out in the morning and got a load of wood for us. Then he decided to go out again in the afternoon. One thing led to another and it wasn't until after I got home from work that he was ready to go. So I got to go along. So here are the pics. He had a wet heavy hemlock ready to cut and split for when we got there. Empty truck waiting for a load. Some of the scenery You are looking down at the main road that goes down island. We all say going south but the road is actually going east. Straight across the valley is south and on the other side of the "hills" is the Pacific ocean. It was getting late in the day so it is a bit dark.
You all want to see the machine working. I didn't take any videos. Hemlock can be gnarly Supervisors were at work but it is break time. Starting on the second hemlock The big chainsaw had some problems so campinspecter got to use the backup saw. The two previous logs were really heavy so to make a full load campinspecter cut up a cedar to finish the load off with. this size of rounds I could pack and split myself. Just realized that I didn't get a picture of the full load but the wind had died down and the bugs were out in force.
Nice work! That looks like some beautiful landscape where you are at! In the middle of nowhere, I like it.
Thank you for the pictures Woodwidow You and campinspecter live and work in a beautiful area and it pleases us to see you can get the wood you need like you do. It is great that you get to go with him from time to time. I know I really like it when my wife can come out to help (with the exceptions of her wanting to get even the smallest twig).
I think I get the chance to go again on Sunday if the weather stays nice. the big chainsaw came back from the shop today.
Looks like a nice day to be out gathering firewood, I enjoy the pics and the pups. Thanks for taking us along with you
Ah BC! Miss that country. How far away from Telegraph Cove/Port Hardy are you? Looking good with the wood. Glad were nearly in the same neck! A PNW GTG would be great!!!!
Looks like some pretty coastal country. I bet some of the roads you guys use for access to firewood are 8-12% grade or steeper. It looks like it was a fun day.
Well, we headed out again this morning. Overcast and buggy when we got there. campinspecter found this hemlock for him to cut up and split and me to load. Filled the truck with two and half rows. The supervisors were out exploring until the bugs got too bad for them. campinspecter found another hemlock to finish the third row and provide the bottom of the last row. We finished the load off with some cedar for kindling. I took some more scenery pics as the day was a little brighter than the other night. Overcast didn't burn off until after we had left. This one is looking more west up the valley. This is looking straight down at the logging road below. Another picture looking more eastward The supervisors taking in the view.
I got videos this time. The first one is campinspecter cutting up the first hemlock The second one is the woodsplitter making quick work of the rounds. I think it is more impressive when the blocks are bigger but these ones are easier to handle.
Pretty nifty system going there guys. I also have a topper/cap on my truck and really like it for everything except loading and unloading wood. Noticed the plywood to protect side windows and may need to adopt that idea. Sent from my Z832 using Tapatalk
Loading is hard on my knees so I wear kneepads. The idea to use plywood to protect the windows in the canopy came about years ago after a window got broken. campinspecter uses a sharpened hoe to hook behind each row of wood and pull it towards himself to make unloading easier. I can use the same method until the last row. I am too short to reach that far and still have the strength to pull it towards me.