History had been made. For the very first time ever! I did it.... I lit the stove in the month of May. It has been cold and raw here for near two weeks, Hi temps in the mid 40's to low fifties. We had a frost last Tuesday, so the house has just been cold. So now a classic shoulder season fire is bring the inside temp up from the low 50's. I was up north this morning and saw snow on the mountains above 3000 feet. The noon time temp down in the village was 38 deg. They say we're gonna warm up next week finally. Oh, and I picked up a load of Black Locust with a little Red Maple mixed in, compliments of my oldest son.
We usually declare wood fires done by mid April, and depend on the sun to warm the house during the day. We dress for the weather, in and out, ha ha. It feels more like late March around here lately though, and it seems like it has been cold raining for weeks.
Me, late yesterday: "I think I should go get some pine, in case it's chilly in the morning, it's supposed to be rainy, windy and pretty darned drismal". Not me: "It's May, the furnace should be just fine. A fire gets everything too hot." Noon; Not me: "I'm cold." (it's 70 degrees in the kitchen ) "How wet do you think that pine is now? " It was pretty dry three layers down. One thing I have found out is none of my shoes are waterproof any more except my wood cutting boots and snow boots, of course.
Lit a fire last night frost this morning.......I'm going to fire up the stove real soon with some tamarack....NOAA is predicting snow this week.
not leafed out either.. NH mountain man... but my answer is if it's cold and damp I'll burn.. I have lit a fire in June it's was 50 and raining... that's why I cut pine and popular.. not having a Oak or sugar maple fire but shoulder wood... our stove runs when it's crappy out and damp.. cause
Leaves are finally beginning to start around here. The OWB is still going and while at the cottage, the 13 provides all the heat (and more) that you could ask for. Even lit off the 30 in the workshop for a little while.
Forecast went from very nice to nice this week, to 5-8" snow on Thurs and 3" Friday and now says to 8-12" and 3"
On the bright side, hopefully the snow will keep the birds from eating the grass seed put down this morning