Low 30;s here tonight but to late to light the stove...On the upside all my gas powered stuff is up and running, chain saw, 2 riding mowers, and motorcycle....
What kind of birch? No fire here tonight. Still 23 C inside, low of 5 C overnight, may regret it in the morning, but oh well.
White or paper birch. I like it. Been burning it all season. I have some darker birch i need to split. Not sure what the species is.
Nice! I need a battery for the tractor, had the splitter running last weekend and have it a workout. Lots to build soon!
60* at 9:20pm burning a load of Red Gum in the camp fire at the Wimmera river. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
well where you are silver and yellow are common.. bark is more stringy like paper through shredder.. better btus
Put tomato plants out in the unheated greenhouse yesterday, so of course the temp dropped lower than forecast. Woke up to the oil boiler running warming the radiator in the stove room that it's thermostat is set to 55ºF Started a pine fire forthwith. Threw another set of pine splits in a few minutes ago.
7 C out here this morning, we're enjoying our caffeine intake in shorts and bare feet on the deck. No burn last night, house didn't drop below 19 C. Lots of rain coming, will fire it up tonight with some mmmMaple, to rid the imminent dampness. All kinds of white and what I think is yellow birch around here!
I noticed that while splitting the other day, very stringy. Enough bark rolled off to shingle a shed.
Black, and Grey Birch are common too. Low 30's this AM. No heat needed, I just opened the windows as it now over 60 with full sun. On the menu today, raking, with side dish of raking. Also hope to plant Radishes, Peas, & Chives.
52 this afternoon. The rain has just started. I have Maple and Ash in the boiler. (I had let the boiler go out while up to friend's camp. Now it's warming up and bringing tank up.) (Yup, just realized I posted this in the wrong thread.)
Are they calling for snow up your way? My BIL called from Edmonton yesterday and said they were supposed to get a foot of snow and someone in Calgary said it was snowing sideways, couldn't see squat. I think all they are calling for is rain and cool temps up here in God's country.....
They were originally calling for 30-40 cm in our area, then the snow/rain line moved north of here, and now we're supposed to get 4-6 cm of snow total. But who knows? Just never know until it happens or not. It's snowing lots about 1.5 hours north. Light snow falling and melting atm. If it was rain, it would be light drizzle.
I was in Calgary until early evening yesterday and it was 7 above and sunny. Not that this means a darn thing. Weather changes so quickly around here. Its 8c and sunny here back in the mountains with wind and snowing lightly. Stove was off last night due to birthday party sleep over for my son. Cold house gonna get warm soon!