Went out yesterday in my yard and the path going into the woods with a long screwdriver, about 7 inches of metal shaft, and stuck it in the ground a number of places. Some areas I could stick it in the ground all 7 inches and other places I hit frost down only 2-4 inches. Looks like it will be a week or so before I can start hauling wood with my tractor and trailor and not mess up the yard.
Only going down to 32° tonight, so a medium load of the usual went in. We'll see a high of 46° tomorrow, seems shoulder season has arrived. Burned just under 3 cords this year.
Mostly pine in a medium load for overnight. Was 73 in the house when going to bed and low of 44 predicted overnight. Shoulder season
44ºF OAT and drismaly raw out there. 73ºF Inside, red oak. Undecided whether to have an overnite fire, went outside to fill the inside bin and filled the stove up with red oak for over nite. Couple of splits of grey birch and some mystery wood for tomorrow unless it is sunny and warm. Forecast is for rain, but ya never know.
Getting to be nice enough where a guy doesn't have to be that fussy on what to burn any longer. A large round of red pine went in the OWB for overnight along with a bit of maple.
Our neighbor across the brook has a some type of rotten wood/dead stump garden just for the hell of it.
If they legalize a certain crop here in NYS, I might need a hand clearing some land for our first planting!
Punky basswood and some red maple splits in the quadrafire now. I'll throw in some sugar maple or elm later due overnight. 37° out now. Damp and Misty. It's supposed to be dry and sunny tomorrow and about 50°
49 now, Let the house cool down to 66 so I can load some ash for overnight, low 41 Chilli for dinner, burnin methane in the mornin