I caught an innocent cold from my daughter in early July. Sinus infection and coughing, the usual. Then lost my voice in mid July. Doc said 2-3 weeks? I am on day 16 with no voice and its frustrating. Two rounds of antibiotics so doc said it must be viral. I am on immune suppressants for a rhuematic disease but I do believe this is the worst "cold" I have ever had.
Colds are bad enough. Summer colds really suck. Complications on top of it all, well that's the double whammy. Rest, and follow the Doc's orders and get better.
Hope you get well soon, in the mean time could you lick a lollipop and mail it to me so I can give it to my wife.
Hope your cure comes quick. 2+ weeks with cold/sinus/respiratory problems can't be fun. Might you also have some dust/pollen allergies exasperating it?
Hoping you get a fast recovery on that, wild west. Suggest you try my mom's old farm throat concoction: one ounce of brandy mixed with ounce of honey. Warm & mix it, then sip. Repeat as necessary.
Guess I need to buy a large bag of dum dum lollipops to contaminate and send to all you husbands out there. Going on 3 weeks with no voice, though have the first glimmer of healing this morning. Really, Thank you
Good news....maybe you'll have your voice back in a couple days. My wife wouldn't eat a lollipop.....besides, I'd miss her telling me what to do if she got laryngitis. Joking. I joke.
No Way?!, coincidence or not? I had my eyes examined right before the above in 2014. Ya, I get alot of tests, 2.5 hours of test minimum where I have to put my face in domes, and chin and forehead on several machines. Did that kind of eye exam again on last Thurs (oops, might have missed a couple years ) , sicker than a dog by Sunday, and put on all kinds of meds today from doc now, and gave up talking since my voice is going out again. I'd really like to blame the different machines I get tested on for having germs on them, think so ? Anyway the 2014 one of them REAKED like strong onions.
I would not be above asking them when the last time it had been sanitized. I would think that is probably where you picked it up also. I remember watching my dentist shaking hands with someone and the sitting down to work on me. First, change your gloves! He did.