We buy Jif creamy. Sometimes Mrs TD will get fresh peanut butter. Not sure why. The only thing worthy to put on eggs is bacon. Well...maybe scrapple or corn beef hash also.
sounds crazy we get our peanut butter in canada.. the Canadian version has less sugar added! couple of diabetic friends shop in our pantry made by jif but has teddy bear on it and it's creamy or creameaux..
I'm going to jokingly address this as such... Man Card, please.... Joke. Probably yes. Altho my GI tract would most likely launch a full on porcelain ambush...
Creamy peanut butter (Peter Pan is the best but wife bus the store brand). Wheat bread. I won't even eat crunchy peanut butter. I had an incident as a toddler after I ate peanuts, shells and all. Ended with a hospital trip. For the most part, I avoid any kind of whole or crushed nuts like the plague. And when I do eat them, I chew FOREVER before downing a bite.
Chunky pb on white untoasted bread with strawberry jelly. Id rather have apple butter on my bread imo lol
I was thinking kinda the same thing. Why not just eliminate both peanut butters, wheat and rye bread and go with --- Apple butter on toasted cinnamon bread.
Not me..................with my braunschweiger .....................rye bread, horseradish, spicy brown mustard, onion and whatever cheese I have. Yummy.
KETCHUP ON EGGS ShOULD BE OUTLAWED!!!!!!!!!! Hot sauce and pepper FTW! Oh yeah.......... Chunky pb and rye bread.
I prefere my home made horseradish on eggs. AND! When making an omlet I always add some of our homemade sourkraut instead of onions.