Hmmm...socks on a rooster is sexy, eh? I bet valentines day is interesting at your house... Gotta agree though, brand new tractor playing in the snow probably makes for "better" pics than the ones you'll get once mud season starts...gonna want some front fender/mud guards then...its so darn soft here right now that even walking across the yard leaves tracks
I've got over 10 hours on it already. Moved a bunch of snow, then got the center huge pile of brush/logs/stumps going (about 15 feet tall be 30 ft around) with seven inches of snow on it! It didn't take long for it to melt and I let the big pile burn for an hour and a half. Then used the 3550 to push the other two piles into it a little. Serious fire at just the right time to burn it. Still snowing. Looks like it will snow for a while into tomorrow. Fires down by pond. A shot from a long ways away up by the barn.. And through the trees.
ya Goin or not going up the driveway when its icy ...for me.. that is a HUGE difference! Gas I have never seen the star pattern over the wheel like that is it an extra? might not work on mine because of wheel weights does it make easier to put on? I just do what works for me... My tires are not filled.. 3... 75 lb weights each side.. to put on chains drive onto them let air out of tire.. put chains on and re-fill tire makes them tight... my chains got to weigh 100 lbs apiece
Those are called duo grip chains. Don't get a set it you have R4s, they ride rough and don't add any traction. They look like they lay on the Ag tires better. Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
I'm not sure if you mean the star pattern on the side of the wheel? Those are called tensioners they sell as an option on If you are talking the over the tire width the chain type is Duo-ladder combination and I ordered the ones with the v-bars. They work well on these tires. I have not had any issues with them "riding rough". They are not intended for pavement. Everything I have is either crushed stone or dirt. So they are just what I need. Lots of traction.
yeah I was looking at tensioners... mine came from Kubota dealer when I ordered meteor blower.. I think he called them Canadian chains.. they work. one came loose today had to take off and put back on.. clip popped open in slop at top of drive.. first time that happened in 6 years but the sand slop at end of drive was 3 feet deep... since it was off I weighed the chain in 5 gallon bucket on scale 122 pounds .. I am running r4 tires.. unloaded.. I really know just enough to make me dangerous.. but am having fun and faking it til I make it.. yeah no pavement here.. crushed stone, dirt, grass, mud and this time of year snow and ice