I got this today.Been eyeing it up for the last week or so and finally got around to ask if they wanted it. I asked what type wood it is and the dude sez he wasn't sure but thinks it's some kinda Maple. It has the bark like a Birch of some kind ,heavy as all get out and a b*%$# to split. Any ideas ? Thanks in advance.
Definatly a front yard tree . Hey it's free BTU's and at this point I will CSS it let it set for a couple years and see what happens.
A young sycamore, the fact that it's heavy as you say, and hard to split. Some times young sycamores don't achieve the tell tale peeling bark of the mature tree for while. I ain't gonna threaten to eat my fiskars on this one, or bet the farm, but that split looks like sycamore to me.
Anyone pick up on the "bark like a birch" comment? And the "heavy" part? If it smells like wintergreen if you nick or cut the bark, it's black birch. Sure looks like it from here. Color is right, bark is right. PA is right in the middle of the range for Betula lenta (not Betula nigra). Having written that, if it does not smell anything like wintergreen, it's not part of the birch family.
I'm thinking its in the birch family. sycamore splits like cottonwood, or elm. it more tears apart than splits. those splits are way to clean to be sycamore.
Does not smell like wintergreen. I have had sycamore and doesn't have the characteristics of that,thank God. I will avoid sycamore like the plague. that stuff is nasty ignorant wood and if you don't have a splitter you will rue the day you had anything to do with it.
Could be an ornamental cherry of some kind.....my first thought was black birch but if it doesn't smell like wintergreen we could probably rule that out.... I'm gonna say an ornamental cherry tree, in which case, if nothing else, will smell heavenly when burning!
I'm withdrawing the sycamore comment, and going with Scotty O on the ornamental cherry, having seen the most recent picture.... for the win!
I'm going with Atlanta for the win myself. As far as wood ID it's free BTU's. I tried splitting another piece earlier and it is a tad stringy and tough to split but it's wet as hell so who knows.
^^^^This---worthless pollen noxious worth nothing but pulp wood excuse for a tree----Well put Will_H Curious to find out what kind of tree it is