Some property was sold across from my parents and Dad befriended the builder and he was looking to get rid of some wood from clearing the lot! Well gee I might know a guy.... Pick me! Pick me! The closer pile is about three 8' box with sides F250 loads and the far pile about 5 I'd say all straight from 3"- 16" diameter. Ash, cherry, maple, elm, hedge Apple, white oak, hop hornbeam, poplar and one pine tree. So new saw +woodpile next to a driveway = superior cord hordage!!! Load #1 Cut anything under 8" into 4' poles and over 8" into rounds
Load #1 home and off the truck. Ran back for a few pieces we had cut just so they didn't disappear and headed home for lunch unfortunately had to call it a day so unloaded stacked the rounds Now just waiting on tomorrow
oh hot luck dawg! You're thinkin' is similar to mine, get as much of it home as possible, buck it up later -
here I thought you were sleepin' one off, maybe an early super bowl party, but, nay nay, you were out workin!
Work before play or in this case both at the same time! Out til midnight last night getting stuff ready and doing some other things then up at 6 this am no time for sleep when there's wood to be had! Or new saws hahaha!
Yeah especially the smaller stuff nice 4' poles are easy handling and fast to get on the truck not to mention I've got a ton of splitting to do before I even look at this stuff
I do the same with "sticks" as I call them when possible. I just need to make a sawbuck to process them quickly and no bending over while cutting them into pieces of farwood. Those poles or sticks sure to fill a trailer or truck load fast.
Congratulations! Thanks for the pics and the story. That 372 is a heck of a saw and will last you many years.
Nice saw I know you'll love it the more you use it! And that is one good score on the wood that will keep you warm fro quite a while!:stacke:. How many cords do you think that you got? The story was well worth the wait! Thanks for keeping us in suspense!