Hey bobdog2o02 I just realized you were at the same shoot as my buddy, James McGinty. He was the open division winner i believe. I thought those targets and ranges looked familiar haha. Nice shootin by the way!
Thanks! Now what might give you that impression? I won't hardly look at a gun without threads on the end of it these days. I think there might be one or two not in that photo. I have a Trust with a very good friend of mine...some are "his", some are "mine". Oh and I really need to dust the cobwebs off the scooter. She's been sleeping since last November.
Picked up this little guy this morning. I decided this week that I wanted one and was going to hit up a gun shop near me today since I knew they had a few to choose from. Right before I left the house I happened to check Armslist and this was the first listing at the very top of the page. I preferred the stainless look and I knew the gun shop only had black models so I took it as a sign to buy a pre-owned model. SIG P938, and my first 12 shots out of it at 7 yards. That's already a lot better than I can ever do with my LCP, so as soon as I feel comfortable with it it'll probably become my carry gun.
Yup. Pad of the finger can be hard on those small guns....especially with big hands....but the joint will pull down and push away every time.
My holster for the SIG came in Friday, I figured a gun that looks like this one deserves better than kydex lol.
I like the looks, I guess after I wear it some more I'll decide if I like the functionality. It seems to take up more space in my belt-line than kydex, but just wearing it around the house yesterday for several hours it is pretty comfortable. Of course the only thing I have to compare this to is a Theis IWB kydex holster for my j-frame, which is a completely different guns.
I LOVE my DeSantis speed scabs. One for the 1911 and the XD45. The one for the XD has been around for almost 8 years, no sign of quitting. I use it for my USPSA, and other competitive stuff.
I'm kind of surprised to see so many smaller caliber handguns, and the ones of a significant size with such short barrels. But to each their own. Here's my little handgun, AKA Firefly, with a 9.5" barrel. I have 3 holsters, one shoulder, one modified leather right hander for behind my back carry, and my home made leather left handed holster. The home made was because I couldn't find a left handed holster to accommodate the longer barrel, and being a lefty, it seems to be a necessity. I also tend to use the Winchester 250 grain Black Talon's and their 250 grain Platinum's. But I am trying out some Speer 210 grain Gold Dots which also do some serious damage. Here are some pictures for those not in the know of what they look like expanded which I borrowed off the internet someplace. The first two are of the Black Talon which opens the same as the Platinum. and the picture below them are of the Speer Gold Dots encased in resin. And here is FireFly my little Ruger Super Redhawk with the 9.5" barrel (double action revolver) along with 4 speed loaders, one with the Black Talon's, one with the Platinum's, and 2 with the Speer Gold Dots. Sorry, I don't do semi auto's or any firearm with short barrels. I need accuracy be it at close range or 100 yards or so. One thing I noticed, at least one picture I saw posted had the serial number clearly visible. Not the wisest in my opinion.
I'm guessing they don't see how anyone would get a lot of use out of a 53oz gun that shoots $35/box ammo, requires reloading every 6 rounds, and costs almost twice as much used as a brand new striker fired gun. I like my XD that weighs 32oz and holds 19 rounds of $10/box ammo. But to each their own. I'll use my rifle at 100 yards. If I'm using my handgun at 100 I'm probably going to be looking at murder charges.