Not sure what I got here. Intend to cut down, , but bothering me as to its specie. What do you all think? Not black locust.
Black Walnut. Break a piece of bark off by hand. If it's walnut, it'll be dark chocolate colored underneath.
Butternut? Really? I thought this was butternut (From Dunkin Donutes) The tree? I haven't a clue. ~smile~
me, you askin' me? I think you have oak, bur, white, some other kinda oak, looks like white oak bark we get here in PA. I'm goin' with white oak
If it's hickory the bark will be really sharp and hard. To the point that you can identify it just by touch with a blindfold on.
Well, the bottom bark does a bit I admit, but the branch structure is wrong and no thorns on the twigs. It's a bit out of place with the trees around it, a loner. Pulled some google images up and you just may be correct. Although, I can't remember it producing much if any mast. I mow right below it regularly. The flat topped silver bark ridges description fits it well. I've got black walnuts within spitting distance of this one, and it is not one of they. Bet this would be easier with a cross section cut, huh? Been meaning to get it dropped but waiting on winter to show up and give me some frozen ground. Any other have an opinion on this tree?
Reason I said butternut is, about a quarter (1.5 cords) of my winter wood for this season is butternut, and I have quite a few live ones on my property (and a lot of dead ones too). Plus a stash of several hundred board feet of butternut lumber. I knows a butternut when I sees it. Even without the leaves and nuts.
Looks very similar to the Black Locust we have here except the ones here have maybe a tad "brighter" bark if that makes any sense. Many of them also still have the seed pods hanging from them. I usually can't see the thorns on the upper branches (hardly ever see any on the almost never there lower branches) but they're usually there.
OK, I have updated pics of the mystery tree. I'm still not sure what I have here. Thus far, I have been sticking with Butternut.
Im gonna guess the rest of this family was wondering when you were gonna put it down. Probably the grain inside cut will give a better chance of identifying it along with them leaves. You don't have LEAVES EH yooperdave!???
As you can see in one picture, working my way to it. Should be laying it down in the next week or two depending on weather. I have been giving away some of this wood and may do so with this particular tree. I'm not in firewood mode right now and just need them down & out of the way. There is a small sugar maple and some little ash in there that I'll be processing, but the rest is either being given away or going over the hill...mostly Tulip.