Sat at mates having too many beers back in the summer, long before I had a fire.gonna get a tree surgeon in to get rid a them three trees he said. If I'd a saw I'd do it for ya was my reply . Two week later family chipped in and bought me a sthil saw. So he's taken me up on my offer.
Birch or Polar. Lower burning btus, dries quick ( keep it off the ground it rots quick when wet ) great shoulder wood or small fires. bob
Cheers bob, trying to learn some barks. Most a wood I get I don't get a say in so btu s are all free and count
It's funny how on the same tree, Poplar bark can have so many different looks, and that's what that looks like to me. I'm no pro though.
Maple can be very different bark depending on the type of maple. Sugar maple bark and silver maple bark look like they are completely unrelated. The norway maple in my front yard almost looks like a toned down ash bark but the sugar maple next to it has sort of flaky bark. It is not as flaky as shagbark hickory but is not at all smooth.
The only one I can be sure of is Birch. You definitely have some birch and it is good firewood. All of that wood looks green. If you split and stack it is a sunny, windy spot for a year or two it will be much better.
Your wood species across the pond may throw us for a loop, but there's definitely some a of birch in there.
Silver birch is one of the few trees I actually know along with cherry ash and hawthorn, last ones hard to come accross