OK, here we go! Getting ready to put the overnight load in The One Who Consumes. Next on the rack appears to be a mix of oak and locust, with likely a split of larch to set it off from the coal bed. Outside temp at 14F and should drop more overnight. Inside right at our ideal 70F after a midsized dinner-time load. Get the consumer up to the proper temp and it's off to bed. Good night all!
It's a balmy 5 above here. Loaded up with ash and sugar maple around 11 last night, up at 6. Plenty of coals left but sadly the gas heat has kicked on. Oh well, in these temps if I'm not up or around to give the stove constant love she can't keep up. Just pressed a pot of La Colombe Colombia San Roque (coffee nerd) and filling up the Napoleon with more ash and maple.
Morning..... current temp - 6° headed up to 19° today. Loaded the stove with a bunch of ash and birch.
-1 here. Shop stove is burning some kiln dried oak and hickory scraps from the mill. House stove is running on coals from last night before I dose it with more hedge.
6° at 7:30 when I loaded the stove and 10° now. I pitched in a mix of oak, spalted maple ash, and locust, that should keep the cold at bay for awhile.
It's 11f right now looking for some snow to come down at 11am . I got the locust and ash keeping everyone toasty and comfy..stay warm FHC family and be safe ..Let's go Giants
I was gonna say!?...What, is that the indoor weather report?! But then I seen the wind speed...I thought, man he's got those ceiling fans on high! Loaded some miscellaneous slabwood and a few pieces of Honey Locust in the furnace (Tundra) a while ago...that ought to beat back the cold for a while...but if that doesn't maximize the toasty factor I'll load a few chunks of Oak in the 1400i stove too...
19° at the moment. Maple and locust in the box. In the recliner next to the stove thinking about nuthin'. Might just dose off.
Got up at 7 again, then went back to bed until 8:30. Forecast low of 8, but OAT was -3 both times. SNAFU, eh? The house was 68 with the stove full of coals (I opened the air to full) and the DV set at 2 (out of 10). Kicked the Dv up to 3, and reloaded the stove with 3 Oak splits (one was pretty light and slightly punky). We're back up to 73 throughout the house, so I knocked the DV back down to 1. Gonna' see how long we can coast on the coals and DV set low before needing a refill. I think I'll leave the DV running 'til the end of the billing cycle (on the 10th) and check the meter to see how much gas we've used compared to last month. I've had the furnace on in the shop set at about 40, longer than I've had the DV running, so that plays into it too. I'm looking for a good trade-off, so I don't have to burn so much. It's been pretty nice only doing a couple loads/day. When it was close to 30 OAT, I was doing smaller loads day and night, and the DV carried things quite well.
20°F and it's starting to snow 70° inside. Heavy rain with flooding for the next 3 days. People are starting to fill sand bags that live near the rivers..... I'm on high ground and I have a boat.
Got up at 5am cuz house was cool. Looked outside at the thermometer and it was so cold out,,,,, a rooster came out of the barn with a cape-on !!!! 0 at 5 7 now Went to scrape the grates down on the furnace before reload and the center of the front grate fell into the ash pan !!!!! DAMIT! On a Saturday of all days. Will order a new grate Monday. I got some 1/2 plate in the fab shop that I'll torch some holes in later today for a temporary.
It was 1 degree this morning, the owb had few nice chunks and deep bed of coal. I tossed a 14" piece of ?hickory? and a couple splits of ash...house was 70 degrees.
Lol, you've got more snow than we do in Southern Wisconsin. Apparently Eric VW has more snow than we do here too, at least as far as a consistent amount. In my woods, some spots are DEEP, where the forest has blocked solar melting.
Lake effect snow has kicked in along with some wind. Temps near zero but still miserable to be outside.
OAT is up to about 13, and the house temp actually went UP to 75. DV is still on 1, and the 30 is working off residual heat from those 3 Oak splits I put in earlier.