Buddy stopped by the other day and gave me a new key to the gate on his property. Said he was going to Florida for 9 days and there was 4-5 loads of wood cut for me that I could haul when the ground froze up. So here I am hauling wood and he is in Fla. laughing his butt off because I will be keeping an eye on his place for free! Gary
As much as I like to cut wood, I think I'd do a little house sitting for that, especially with old man winter back.
Shoot yea nice load of wood. Nice friend you have there and it is always good to exchange favors. That makes the world go round at least in this country is does.
Yep, friends are far better currency than dollars many times. He can't buy security & you can't buy wood for that kinda price any other way. Nice job.
How funny would it be if your friend came back from Florida to see no trees left on his property? He does realize you're a Firewood Hoarder, doesn't he?? Nice haul of wood there, Gary_602z!
Took the thought right from my head Scotty!!! Great minds think the same way!!! I hope he was careful how he said that Gary... "nice haul man"!
Funny story, He was always a little leery about letting me cut there. Then once I was, he was a little more open to one of my drivers cutting with me but he was still worried. He is the type of guy that if at all possible he doesn't wanted any live trees hurt unless absolutely necessary. Well one day we were cutting and my driver was dropping a big ash that could have went 14 different way with only one of them being right! Just as my driver was starting the cut Bob pulls in and watches and I could tell he was nervous. The Tree Gods must have been watching because it went EXACTLY where it needed to go with him watching! Gary
Friends will get you through times of no money better then money will get you through times of no friends. Now can someone tell me what quote that is based off of?