I have a sassafras leaner next to my driveway that has several woodpecker holes in it. I'm going to drop it so I don't have to deal with it at the wrong time. It's about 14" at the base. Is it worth splitting and burning?
Makes good kindling and shoulder season wood. When burning, it'll be like fireworks in the stove. Smells nice while splitting.
When I drop a tree, I stand there and look at it, and then I say....well, might as well buck it up, cuz it'll be easier to move.....then once bucked, I say....well, might as well get the tractor and haul it up to the stacks.....then once piled up at the stacks I wind up saying.....hmmm, wonder how this stuff splits, and next thing ya know, I'm stacking the stuff. I used to be a wood snob, but no more. I can burn any wood and do, just burn the lightweight stuff when I'm home, or when I don't need a lot of heat, spring, fall, 45 degree day, you know the drill.
I burn odd ball junk in the fall and spring. i have a few basswood here and sometimes they get whacked when a bigger tree takes wipes them out. It burns.....
Ive been cutting some decent sized sassafras lately. Can't beat the scent that rises, and it splits so easily. Toss up between Black Birch and Sassafras, regarding the scents when working with it. Haven't burned any yet. I like hearing how it's good for shoulder burns.
Chances are if the woodpeckers are working it then it's probably hollow. Pretty common with sassafras. Be careful dropping it.
Sassafras is worth cutting just so you can enjoy that sweet smell! It is not the best firewood but good for daytime burning and spring/fall burning.
I was felling sassafras that was about 10 diameter, low on the trunk. I found that as it fell, that the wood cracked almost like a barber hair. The hinge was more than sufficient. I get the feeling this wood is more brittle than other species. So yeah, be careful felling it. Sent from my XT1030 using Tapatalk
The old timers tell me, it was often used for cook stoves back in the day. Medium BTU, easily split to size, readily available, etc.
Yes it was. Also can make for some decent fence posts if you can find some straight ones. Therein lies the big problem with sassy.