Thankfully I found this in the wood furnace this morning, and not with the 461. Heard an odd metallic ting taking the morning coals. I remember cutting this tree, and even the saw I used. I do not remember seeing this...... guessing a railroad spike would have dulled the chain a bit. I found one of these this summer in a different big old hickory. Biggest object I have come across on a tree.
Good deal for you to find this from burning not cutting. To find a spike like that with a saw could do more than trash a chain. Where was that tree from? A farm. Or fenceline?
or a splitter. Don't ask me how I know! I know, the kinetic or Fiskars guys have no problem with them.
I did a huge ash removal several years ago, toasted THREE 28" Stihl RSC chisel chains in the main trunk. It was full of RR spikes, at one point back in the old days someone must've either hunted deer out of it or had a tree cabin in it.....
It was from an old hickory tree along the property line. It had remnants of nails from old school tree stands. I am just shocked I missed it.
Surveyors will often drive a spike into tree for an elevation benchmark reference. That way if there is a discrepancy in elevations later, it's pretty obvious if the benchmark has been "compromised".
No purple/blue stains or hints in the tree? Sometimes it's just good to be "Lucky" 2017 will be a good year for you !!! Like a lucky horse shoe, you now have a "Lucky RR Spike " Mount it on a "cookie" & display it proudly ! "thumbs" Tempered by "CharMaster"
Cleaned fire out and found these in the ashes Iv only been burning chery and these weren't visable . Glad I didn't hit either one