Hello, On the advise of this forum I purchased a Condar 3-12-1 catalyst probe for my new Ideal Steel stove. I went to install it today and since so many of you have this probe with this stove, I was wondering if you could help me out. I removed the screw on the front of the stove but the directions that came with the Condar probe say to insert the stainless steel eyelet through the hole. This eyelet doesn't fit -- the hole is a little too small for it. But if I insert the probe directly without the eyelet it is quite loose and can pulled out easily or move around just by bumping it. Is this just how the probe is or is there a solution that I've missed to get this probe to fit more snugly into the port? Thanks.
hi, I have not purchased nor installed the probe you are referring to. However, I've been lurking about these threads for some years now, and what I've heard (read )is the following: Magnet with a hole in the middle. That should keep your probe in place. Just wait a few more hours(days) and somebody else will chime in. But as far as I know, that's the way to do it. The thread: production Woodstock IS is chocked-full of information about "our" stove. Including the answer which you seek.
I just received my peobe in the mail yesterday! I will be following closley to see how it is installed. I'm going to be installing my IS in my new house in a few weeks. I can't wait to get this thing fired up!!
The metal insert doesn't fit. The probe will sit just fine in the hole. Pop the hood up a little to insert it so it doesn't hit the lip. I also suggest spinning the face of the thermometer upside down so you can see the dial without it being obscured by the downward angle of the lip. As mentioned above a small round magnet that fits over the probe will hold it tight but it isn't needed.
I haven't seen the probe or eyelet yet. I'd like to get one. Could the probe be inserted then the eyelet pushed of the back side to hold it tight? Where did you purchase the probe? How much?
Not worth the trouble. Plus you want to pull the probe occasionaly to clean it and pull it when you clean the cat. The probe sits in there just fine. It's just slightly loose. I generally obsess about that kind of stuff too but it's been over a year and I've forgotten all about trying to get it to fit better.
Thanks. Is the probe just being loose a problem where now there is a path for smoke to escape? The screw Woodstock used seems to really seal tightly but I'm concerned that with a loose probe, I'll get a little smoke leakage. Or is that not a concern?
I had mine in there loose last year and had no issues with smoke leakage. This year I'm using one of these magnets I got at my local Ace hardware. Sorry for the fuzzy picture. That's the clearest picture my iPad would take.
I think I read about someone doing this on a different burning forum. It may help, but it may also just slide off and get lost in the stove top.
Hello kalo4 It may be wrong but this is how I installed my 3-12-1 probe. It is placed with the gauge upside down. The end of the metal stick is bent slightly to clear the bar that goes past it while opening/closing the cat sled. It is glued in place (plugging the loose hole and a bead between the probe stick and the shelf it sits on) with hi-temp furnace cement. It is fixed, sturdy, solid and works. It doesn't pull the probe out away from the cat like a magnet would. Will removing the probe in the future be a problem? Yes.
I kept mine simple. Remove factory plug, insert Condar probe. Yeah it's a little loose and will move around if you bump it, but no big deal. I have mine upside down so I can see the critical parts without having to bend over. Would have been nice to have one properly fit but there is no issues with this setup so far for me.