I didn't get to write any text, those pics were taken five minutes ago. I'm having a white Christmas.
Somewhere around 30° and occasional light rain. So my thermometer is off I think. Weather channel says it is more like 33°. Ash and Pine combination in the boiler.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to everyone at FHC! Thanks again to Scotty and all the moderators for making this a great site.
34* and some wet heavy snow overnight. I emptied some coals out yesterday so I can have an overnight burn again. It didn't need any wood @ 7:00 I will check again later. Two of our daughters have to work tomorrow, so we are doing Christmas today. I think the grandkids will be busy later. I plan on giving them lots of candy before they head home.
Mid to upper 30's here. A relatively warm day. Overcast with cold rain, Raw. Gonna make for a messy Patriots/Jests game this afternoon. Keeping the chills away with small oak splits.
Currently 32.6° going up another degree or two. Just loaded the oakleaf with a bunch of what i think is cedar. Received about an inch with another inch or two expected. Sleet may mix in. It's beautiful out this Christmas Eve!