That kinda stuff takes forever by yourself and unless you have an experienced helper it still takes time. A helper who knows the process and you can bang out little projects like that in no time . I'm close to finishing up an interior office inside a commercial building I own for the GF's future business and it's taken forever while working 7 days a week and inexperienced help.
Well I finally got some time and decent weather so I got the transom window installed and the siding block for the new outside light. I was hoping to keep marching right up the wall with the siding but I'm mulling over building an attached pergola. If I do I need to install a a Cedar ledger board just above the door.
What the heck, just make it an addition. You could use that siding on the outside of the new room, .......but I guess the transom window would become almost pointless. Ok, never mind. Have you noticed an improvement in the warmth of that room?
No not really. The room is actaully the stairway. To the right is the basement, left the kitchen. We actually did it to make the back entrance look more special. We spend a lot of time outside so we wanted the back wall to look extra nice. Thanks. When we open up the kitchen door to the stairway it looks so bright and open now. We are looking at removing the wood door from the kitchen replacing it an antique half glass door.
Well we decided to attach the pergola to the house so I got a Cedar ledger board installed. Also I installed the outside light. I also decided to install an electrical outlet in the pergola framework so we can hang decorative and or Christmas lights on the pergola. That will be next on the to do list. Hung up the sheet rock and installed a nicer light. Still need to install the transom window and door jamb extensions and casing, but I did get the small window's jambs and casing cut and temporarily installed. My bride takes care of the staining, texturing and painting in the house so my job is getting close to be being done.
Thanks. Yeah it's kind of deceiving. I was standing on the main floor taking the pic , there are 3 steps down to a landing that leads outside, then the steps continue to the basement.
Neither of you can blame me for your light headedness. Both of you were a bit questionable between the ears a long time ago.
Hey, don't make fun of my haircut! Oh, wait a minute.......... I love seeing progress pics. I've had a couple bundles of insulation that I finally started laying up in the attic......a few pieces at a time. Couldn't find my respirator, so I bought a new one, and what a difference. No more hacking while up in the attic, or after I come back down. My lungs are thanking me, I'm sure. Are you going to wait for spring to start on the pergola?
I hear you on the respirator. I was in the attic putting blocking in to screw the ceiling drywall in to and sealing the gaps, and was coughing for half a day. Yes, we will put the peak siding on (shake look instead of the horizontal siding) first and then hopefully put on new shingles on the garage. Besides cutting and splitting wood of course.
There are a few nailed down as crawlways (since I can't walk up there), and quite a few others that I've been pulling out that aren't nailed down. I think they were just stuck up there for storage....or something. I may take some pics where they are, then just lay then batts down over them. Right now, trying to add 2 layers of R15 to whatever's up there. With the respirator, I was able to do twice as much as before. That should look nice.......