Well I pulled the string and purchased a Husqvarna 465. 64.1 cc 4.3 horse[power auto tune saw with 24" bar (20" bar was 10 bucks cheaper) I wanted something to pull a 24" bar. I was afraid a 460 would not do it. So I opted for a 465. I got it for total cost of $519 , thats a pretty good deal, that includes shipping. I also saw a heck of a deal on a new Husqvarna 460 if anyones interested in how to get that one. But might as well for a few more bucks get the 465.
The auto tune took a while to tune but it tuned its self. I was looking for some screws to adjust but found none. At first the saw was hard to start never had a saw this big but its important to prime that bulb 6 times. Once I ran the saw for a while it does really good now I guess it auto tuned its self.
I really liked my 455. With the AT and added displacement it's gotta be a good saw! Let us know how it treats you!
Well I hate to report but the saw is still hard to start, I have read several websites guys are having isssues with getting these Husqvarna Auto Tune stoves started. Not sure what to do I guess I will have to take it in for warranty.
I don't have much runtime on my AT 555 For work but I did the calibration of one tank of fuel wide open cutting cookies. And have used a tank or two of fuel used so far after that and it was harder to start cold than my other normal saws, and it doesn't like to idle really, it idles really low. I just figure it's not enough run time on it.
I know your not talking to me but my start issues seem to only be cold. If I were able to tune it probably would bump the Idle up a tad and riches the L screw
I had too much fun starting my 555 after the first tank or two of fuel but as I used it things got much better. It just seems to take time for it to get everything right. Now it will burp on pull 2 or 3 and be running with 3 or 4 more pulls.
Kinda the same with my 550. Saw was hard starting when cold for about 3 tanks. After the 7th tank or so it seemed to find another gear. Now it starts in 4 pulls when cold. My 550 does idle to low sometimes in hotter weather.3
Ya my 550 will not idle at all when its over 90 f. Thats ok because i dont do firewood activities when its over 80, it just isnt fun. My saw seems sensitive to a dirty air filter, i clean it about every 4 tanks but with a 50cc saw thats alot of cutting.