20 degrees outside, 71 inside. Just loaded the stove with beech and ironwood. Powerful stuff tonight!
It's some of the best firewood there is, second, but only barely to shagbark. Drying time, 2 years typically if green cut, but I only cut dead standing ironwood so it goes a year in the stacks and it's good to go.
Snow is getting a little more serious. Just as the temps are dropping a bit more. 15 now with winds from the west (N.D. and Minn.) 3-5 tonight; 8-12 tomorrow; 1-3 Fri. But I bet that changes into more snow.
Forecast low is 30F tonight... we'll probably get to 26F-27F when it's all said and done... we're usually a few degrees cooler than the forecast. Gonna run a load of locust tonight just to see if the locust stack is ready. Was CSS 1.5 years ago so I hope it's close (don't have a moisture meter, but will get one shortly). Was real wet when cut down. Want to know what stacks are ready when it starts getting cooler. We'll be in the low 20sF this weekend (I know, nothing like the temps stated above, but cold for us). It will be nice to know whether out locust stack is as ready as our oak stack. I do like variety!
Around 30 right now, suppose to stay right about there. Snow on its way tomorrow through Sunday. Not predicting too much, 8-10" where I am. Just put in a load of cherry and sugar maple and am waiting to throttle back and head to bed.
It's 32 tonight so I loaded the liberty up with more cherry. I don't think we'll bring in any of our better wood until Jan. and Feb., until then we'll use the pellet stove with the wood stove if needed.
Wanted to save the good maple till it gets colder but my stacks are quite a mess. It was just what I grabbed.
I save the best stuff for the -10 to -30 weather when we get it. This year it just happened that we had enough cherry we could burn it for the shoulder season which we're still doing. Not including what's left of our shoulder season cherry, I think we have another four face cord we planned to burn from another stacking area.
I have a lot of gooder wood for this year. It's cold today, and next week even colder air is expected. Right now I'm re educating my wife about the high btu wood vs the mid grade stuff.
Yeah, if and when I ever make a nice woodshed I will try to be more organized. Right now I just toss everything in one rack. If I can pick out the lesser wood for shoulder season and set some better stuff aside without creating too much more chaos then I try to do that. If not oh well, sugar maple gets burned on a 30 degree night.
You also know when its cold out when the dogs start lifting their paws up. I tend to see that once we get down to -15c