33º out, 74º in. After all the festivities and clean up yesterday I could not bring myself to get the stove going last night. We watched a Christmas movie on Hallmark until midnight last night covered up and had the ng boiler set on 72 and still felt cold. Worked today, got home this evening and I told my wife that I was starting a fire because I was not freezing tonight...now of course she was working in the stove room decorating so she is grumbling about it being hot......this time of year is hard, too cold or too hot.
It's 34 this morning with some fog, nothing in the liberty yet but once I clean some ashes out we'll fill it up more cherry.
I'd burn it if I had an OWB. But I wouldn't take it otherwise. I find willow just burns poorly, regardless of if it's dry or not. It's 43° here, burning elm. Maybe I'll burn some basswood later. It's supposed to be fairly warm this week.
Switched back to cottonwood today 38 ° F comfy 75 °F inside, low tonight 31 °F I will burn some boxelder n ash mix
Just loaded the oakleaf with pine and birch. 36°F out & damp. Will be nice to get the chill out of the air
Loaded the oakleaf this morning with pine and birch. We'll have overnights in the teens starting tomorrow so I'll load it up!
Winter is finally here, we skated all fall thankfully. This week the daytime highs are in the teens and 20*s . Only 4 months to go!!
34 degrees. Feeling mild. Damp makes it chilly though. Burning some Pine and a few splits of Box Alder.