I dismantled stacks Took them to the wood shed. I will be depressed until I can replace them. Does that make me a wood aholic?
I have the oppoite problem - I worry about the stacks until I get them in. Then I can relax with a full woodshed. But then I start burning it ...
I'm definitely both but because my house isn't finished (depressed) leading to a burning withdrawl!! Leading to more depression! I even stacked all my stacks to well at my parents (where I'm currently staying), can't even mess with them and restack them because they won't fall over!! Suppose to be in after the 1st of the year and thenlet there be fire!
Bummer. I will pray for your wood burning sanity Now I have to tell you that is one really cool stove in your Avitar. Chief
I'm still working on getting the empty stacks refilled too. No depression or withdrawal, just a little anxiety that I'm running out of time this year. My firewood guy might show up this afternoon with a load, but I haven't heard from him to confirm. Next couple days would be perfect for stacking.
PD, I usually do my cutting in January when the ground is frozen. Can't hardly wait though. I hate empty stacks!!!
I feel all y'alls pain! But from a different perspective. I am a minimum of 6 wood burning seasons ahead at this point, so I decided not to do any cutting, splitting, and stacking this season. Oh the pain! All of my firewood has been split and stacked as of last year so the time I would or could have been cutting, splitting, or stacking is totally free. I feel so lost! Sometimes I'll go out and grab a few splits and resplit them off of each stack to check their moisture content. But it's just not the same. Evidently I missed the wood splitting party for my neighbors relative, but then no one told me when it was! My only solace is that I have been keeping toasty warm with a fire in the stove with lows in the upper teens. But, the more I burn the more I realize I NEED MORE WOOD!!! tfdchief , don't worry, sometimes CRAZY is a good thing!
.... wasn't sure were this titled was going... glad to see it was only about empty row and a full house......
You say "woodaholic" as though it is some sort of problem. I see no problem, only a desire for more wood. That's a good thing here. Don't worry Chief you have many like minded friends here and we will help you through your difficult period.
Know the feeling You'll Use it as a positive motivator to replace the seasoning stack The good feeling of a full shed helps offset the empty row feeling for a while. As the good feeling fades, the empty row feeling will haunt you until you CSS a new stack Sounds like the "haunting" is starting already Yea, you're nuts that's why you're here with the rest of us nut cases Man hugs sent. LOL
SG, Wish I had room for 6 years worth. But only 4. God knows if I had the room some of you have, I would be a worse woodaholic. I started burning wood 45 years ago, not counting the wood I put on my dad's stove when I still lived at home. I have enjoyed every single year! My friends and neighbors think I am tight and burn wood to save money. Little do they know that although I do save a little, my insentive has always been my meantal and spiritual well being. Not to mention staying WARM. Not luke warm, WARM and cozy. And feeling self sufficient, don't need the establishments electricity or gas or water. I can make it on my own if I have to. Anyway, enough ranting. Everyone in here already knows I'm a nut case.
Thanks BD! Hey, I need some beautiful pics of your place. Better hope I don't get Mimi, Buddy, and the RV up that way. I might just park in your drive and never leave.
Chief, worry not. You'll be in fine shape soon. As for the wood in the shed, that always gives me a great feeling, especially when I look outdoors and still see lots left for next year and the next year and the next, etc. I'd really like to put up about 7 cord this year.
Thanks BS. I wish I could come help you. We would have fun. Hope you and Judy are good. Miss you both. Chief