yup 40 mph sustained winds rain sleet snow black of night lost power few times today.. house is warm stay warm ..
Ahh, close to where I used to live in Maine. Mt Washington was just across the state line. Crazy weather there, even more extreme than what we get in southern Wisconsin.
Very much like the Vermont Castings Resolutes of the late 80s to early 90s. I had one of those and top load is great! For some reason the VCs were difficult to maintain.. very difficult to change the "combuster" etc. That's what they called that cat like part in the lower rear.
Well, I got the work van at my house, stove, chimneys, even a hearth pad per Dawn's approval. Will start the install tomorrow late morning. This van has everything I need for an easy install! Pictures or it didn't happen.......
I've noticed, but hell, for 3.5 cords, a practically new stove, all for $ 1000 bucks, I'm happy. Now I can burn this season, and get ahead for next year and the year after, which has been started. I'm very excited to get this installed tomorrow!
I put a blackish grey one, with some tan hues in the van. If Dawn likes it, it's a go. I don't think the other one got ordered yet, we'll see....... The pad below is a bit darker than pictured. It will need a little cleaning, and should pop once cleaned up!
Even if she doesn't like it, the install will continue. Class A will go up, stove pipe will dry fit, and the stove will sit on the hardwood floor until the pad comes in. It's a go tomorrow no matter what!
Good luck with your stove. You got an outstanding deal, (you knew that) a very good deal and a good start with wood. You just never know what opportunity will fall in your lap from one day to the next.
I've got single wall pipe from the guy too. Dawn does not like the color of the hearth pad. Plan B is a possible corner hearth, the right color in stock, but the dimensions might not work. After the stove is in place, I'll know then after some measurements.
Great thread as you got such a great deal Well Seasoned ! The way I figure it in wood prices per single cord around here is close to a $1000.00, you definitely made out. I came along late to the thread, (today). I enjoyed the story and pics, and I know we are all awaiting the finished results. No hurry, or stress. Now get back to work.
Leaving to switch hearth pads in a few, then the job starts. I'll take pictures as I go and post the results later today!
As promised....... Stove on hearth..... Cut the ceiling...... Through the roof...... Dry fitting the flashing....... Class A in place, everything siliconed real well.........