Those will get split again along with many more big ones. But no particular reason, just put them like that.
The pad is on order, with a 4.5" hole cut in it for oak. It will be at least 2 weeks. Meanwhile, next chance the company van is near my place, we'll unload the stove. I am juggling getting the stove pipe and class A put up this weekend. We'll see what turns up.
Ok, so the tentative plan is, saturday......load the work van with everything I need, minus the hearth pad, which is on order, but will be a few weeks. I will bring the van home on sunday morning, place the stove where I want it, and once I find a stud free area, ill start the install. Hopefully everything is done by sunday afternoon, when I can dry fit from the ceiling support down. I wont be able to use the stove until the hearth pad arrives, but at least the install will be complete by the cold weather. Then I have a ton of stacking to do........
Your a sweetheart.......thank you! I went out after posting and stacked a bit more. Im not liking the 2x4 sides, so im going back to attaching skid sides like i did in Pa. Ive got 8 skids so far, with more if i need them.
I take 2 pallets and at each end I put a pallet and then 2 more pallets and another on that end etc. and put whatever on the very outer ends to hold it together...Not sure if I explained good...
beautiful. I went to NH to see my brother graduate high school. it was bueatiful country. I loved it up there. And the mourning's were even cold in June in the mournings!
It's great! My job has me going into Vermont regularly. Canadian border VT can attest, beautiful country his way too. We have blizzard conditions at the moment! Not even showing up on the radar!
I just can't click like for that, but it did remind me I need to go light the stove. Looks like I may be running the stove solid for a few days here, been just night fires mainly to this point.
Snowing lightly now. In Crawford notch near Mt Washington on some job sites, sustained winds 40- 50mph and blizzard conditions. Wild weather!