I can never get a nice scrounge of straight medium sized trees. Give me some nice clean oak or hickory!! Picked up this mess today after work, giant silver maple that's not even solid all the way through. Some rot starting. Not sure how big but I had to cut both sides with 24" bar. Got 4 loads like this one, at least the guy had a tractor to load them or else I would of kept driving right past. Used gravity to unload! I don't really need the wood, just sometimes feel bad leaving it. Some will stay at my place, most will go to hunting camp.
It's your wood addiction biting you, but that's okay, you're among friends here. We all understand because we're just as nutz as you! Nice work!
You will get a lot of splits out of that big , good score I got some big silver maple about a month ago, no tractors there, had to noodle most of them
I've been burning maple solely since burning season began---mostly 70's in the day but high 30's, low 40's at night---It is GREAT shoulder wood...All good sir-thats what hydraulics are for...I've for the last 2 wks split God awful ash (rare) and hickory---but I will love it in 12 mos...ash usually will split with a hatchet...I got some twisty gnarled grain..it happens
Well, I guess the insider info paid off. Closest without going over is g60gti! 73 splits out of one round. I'm not splitting monsters but they're also not tiny. I don't have a tape on me to measure the round but I used a cattail and will measure that later. Picture is from the first round. Time to get back to work, 14 rounds to do! Never gonna manage by myself today.
I didn't think it was gonna be that many either. Round measured 32" across and the 73 was from a solid round not one of the ones that was rotten in the middle. Worked through about half today. Finish up tomorrow or maybe Monday. Another interesting thing happened while splitting. This property is at a friends of mine. There was a new house built behind his about 3 years ago. Looked up and some older gentleman was standing there, was the owner of he new house. Introduced himself and asked if I wanted more wood, why sure I do! He walked me around his whole property and showed me about 20 marked trees, all locust, ash, cherry and maple. All of them in the woods far away from his house. Told him I really don't have a lot of time these days and he said that's ok, no hurry, just work whenever you feel like. Great score, no monster trees and I can take my time. Plus my buddy next door has a tractor I can use! In the first picture the old timers house is just off to the right. Anyways, here's a pic of my pile so far today. A little picture for size reference, tires are 31's.
I had a 32 inch round roll on top of me trapping me at the knees. One reason I really don't like working alone any more. I got it off me but man I was worried for a minute. Green red oak is heavy. Never thought to count the splits from it but I had to wedge and maul split it in 4 pieces to get them on the splitter. (horiz-only splitter) I would have guessed at least 48. I kinda like working big rounds though ( red oak, maybe not maple ) . You get a lot of nice straight splits for stacking. Time-wise maybe not the most cost-effective.