Looking forward to reading your review once you get it setup and burning! I took some time to research this stove and watch some videos. Intrigued because its secondary burn chamber seems different from others I have seen in both design and material. I assume yours is both top loading and front loading; if so, that is pretty awesome. Hard to imagine one could get 17 hours of burn from a 1.7 box, but we will let you tell us how realistic that number is. As others have pointed out, awesome deal! Happy burning.
Oh yea..... she was heavy, squatted some. If I could've fit more, i wooda! Too bad I don't have a trailer. She just told me that she wants to meet you whenever your near. If you help stack wood, she'll let you pet her.....
thanks...... honestly, I don't think I'll get 17 hours of steady heat from the thing. I'm thinking 12 at the most, but who knows. I believe it's the cleanest burning stove on the market. I should get a few years out of the cat like piece it has (I need to research the stove more, it was a quick decision to make a deal)
Tell her maybe next year if I am still riding I will swing by in to your place and wow you will get a kick out of me...
Lol...Nooo...I am just saying i am a character that alot of people get a kick out of me, no violence unless somebody really ticks me off, like hurting a dog or something...Then it's game on...I am actually mellow for the most part...
Ok, I'm not scared anymore. When your over this way, give me a holla! We'll eat, and watch maple play.
I got the last load this morning, unloaded, and began some stacking. I won't get to any more stacking until this weekend. You can see in the first picture, Maple wants to drive the F250
Oh yea.... glad it's all home. Really enjoyed stacking it. I will need to split at least a face cord into smaller splits. Some rounds he had were only cut in half and they are huge! I'll need to keep an eye on the chimney since some of this wood was from this spring vs last spring and I did manage to keep it separated, but some did get mixed in.
Well Seasoned I'm not finding fault at all but wondering why you have that bottom row started all flat side up rather than down?
Backwoods Savage I do it that way as well. my thinking is that the bark side is a little more impervious to moisture, since god made it that way. and I do it like that to help protect that bottom row more from ground moisture.