Saucy likes laying in front of the pellet stove...... he loves the heat. Maple, she'd sleep in the snow.
Wow. That is a great deal! I'll be looking forward to how that stove runs with that technology. You will be back to wood burning in no time.
I can't wait. Leaving in a half hour to get the first of 3 trips for wood. Hopefully I can get a hearth pad situated in the next week, then it's getting everything installed.
The woodstove will go in the living room that will push heat down the hall into the 2nd & 3rd bedrooms. I've decided to keep the pellet stove in the family room that will push heat back into the kitchen. This will work good.
1 load later, my azz is hurting. Heading back out for the second load, with the last load pickup tomorrow. The F250 was heavy!
You may be hurting and will hurt more before it is done but you also have to be really smiling big time after a deal like this!!!! Congratulations.
Ash, birch, hard maple is what I have identified so far. Other species, not sure. Will probably need an id later. Some spring of last year, some spring of this year. Your right, & Second load done, not unloaded yet. I'll get the last load tomorrow morning. Really hope I can fit it all in the last trip. My truck can hold 1.37 cords with the tall stake sides on. Good Stuff. Gonna get antsy soon getting this stuff installed!
That's how I was last year about this time too. When you get a great deal on a stove, or insert in my case, even after the burning season had started (barely), you do everything to get it installed. I'll be looking forward to the install story.
Here's one load from late this afternoon. Stopped to do some food shopping, so this delayed the whole process. My son Matt was a big help.
Your azz will survive...Getta done and you be good for the wintah....You are just doing a lot of wood fasta...It's all good...You need that wood at the place you are at...Just do it and then your done...
milleo, Maple just suggested you come help stack. What ya say? those were the terms fron the boss..... she helped load the second time and I would help her at the food store. My son was a big help...... helped load and unload.
AS old as I am I could and have done that but really wish I wasn't so far away...I would love to meet Maple, she is so cool and I know I would love her...