Been in the 60s here during the day the past two days, 40s at night so no fire since Monday here. Tomorrow night is going to drop into the 30s so I'm sure I'll be lighting again over the weekend.
It was a little cooler today, so I'm getting some basswood going in the quadrafire now. I think it's about 50 out now, and it's supposed to get warmer. Mid 60s this weekend, so while I'll be up north doing pre deer hunting prep, I don't think my wife will have any fire going while I'm gone.
Bert, that is outstanding! Especially being a bit of a pizza geek as I am. =) Keeping to the thread title, boiler is full of pine again. Warm temps outside have kept the stove cold for a couple days, but it's getting too damp for comfort so she'll run at least through the weekend now. Might add a little maple to keep it strong overnight - the pine is great but doesn't coal up too well for refill in the morning.
58 outside and 68 inside so no fire tonight, maybe this weekend if it drops, this weather is crazy..this is that getting sick weather ...
Heavy frost this morning. Not that it is important, but they missed it of the forecast again. Sure is better than the alternative though. Another week of mild temps on the horizon. Above that "hard water/soft water" mark.
Mid 40's last nite, we've had a few of those over the past couple weeks then a little bit of warm up. I've been firing the boiler here and there to keep the chilly night time temps out of doors. Burning some silver maple and sycamore with a spot of red elm.
Awoke to 30 this am, so of course there's a fire. Pretty gooder frost on everything. Forecast for the next week is at least partial sun with 50s to low 60s. Got some stuff to do outside, so that'll be nice.
It's 30 tonight so we're burning more Cherry. I saw an old friend at a hockey game tonight, he was telling me his wife bought him a new Stihl last Christmas so I told him if he wanted to drop some pines or some other wood to stop up, he said he might just do that.
Just on the verge of freezing temps for overnight. Was +13 C here today ( 55 American? ) which is incredibly warm for November.