In loving memory of Kenis D. Keathley 6/4/81 - 3/27/22 Loving father, husband, brother, friend and firewood hoarder Rest in peace, Dexterday

I really must be interesting!

Discussion in 'Everything Else (off topic)' started by Star Gazer, Sep 29, 2016.

  1. Star Gazer

    Star Gazer

    Nov 8, 2015
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    Right behind you
    I actually drew a crowd earlier today as I was making some adjustments to some of my security cameras.

    A crowd? Yep, they say twos company, threes a crowd. So since I attracted three, I'm guessing that would be considered a crowd! :hair: It was misting and raining off and on which really puts a kink in the work I wanted to get done.

    Though I had a monitor with me to make the adjustments easier as in not having to go up and down the ladder a million times to get things adjusted right, I hadn't noticed the gathering behind me on the hill. As I wrapped things up, and headed down the ladder was when I noticed the crowd. Later when I reviewed the video of that particular time, I saw they were there for several minutes.

    Of course a picture of the event or it didn't happen, so as with the hummingbird, I stopped the video and moved it frame by frame to where the top of my head was still visible. No need to see a serious closeup of me anyway. But on the hill you can see the 3 doe. Two yearlings? And an adult.

    I wonder what she was telling her offspring! :eek:
    Sorry about the quality of the picture. I had smudged the lens on the security camera while making adjustments to it which I later cleaned off.
  2. Eric VW

    Eric VW Moderator

    Jan 6, 2015
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  3. HDRock


    Oct 4, 2013
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    Grand Blanc, MI,
    What's the matter with you, is your freezer full? :D machine-gun.gif
  4. Star Gazer

    Star Gazer

    Nov 8, 2015
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    Right behind you
    That was my thought exactly (dinner) after I saw them! Nice tender youngin's :drool: :grizz:. The two yearlings(?) were born earlier this year but only recently lost their spots.
  5. Star Gazer

    Star Gazer

    Nov 8, 2015
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    Right behind you
    I know, I know (hanging my head in shame :emb:) But my excuse is, I didn't have a weapon of any sort with me. Talk about an easy shot or two. Maybe even three. Take the two yearlings first and if the mommy was still hanging in there, then take her. That would have filled my freezer back up! :D

    The yearlings would be cut it with your fork tender! :drool: And awesome on the grill! :grizz:
  6. milleo


    Oct 3, 2013
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  7. Sean


    Aug 8, 2015
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    Kootenays, South Eastern BC Rockies Canada
  8. Chvymn99

    Chvymn99 Moderator

    Oct 4, 2013
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    KC Metro
    :D... Yes, they were just teasing you... mmmm Bacon wrapped tenderloins.....:drool:
  9. Jack Straw

    Jack Straw

    Oct 3, 2013
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    30 miles west of Albany Ny
    What camera system do you have? I'm thinking about getting one. Any help would be appreciated.
  10. TurboDiesel


    Nov 22, 2013
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    Hollidaysburg Pa
    Take the mother first. Then the yearlings will just stand there and wait...:zip:
  11. Star Gazer

    Star Gazer

    Nov 8, 2015
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    Right behind you
    That makes a lot of sense. A few years back, there was a similar setting but in a different location. The Adult was maybe 5 years old and the youngsters were maybe two years of age. I watched long enough to determine which one the rest were depending on (being watched the most) to sound an alarm if a predator were nearby. In this case it was the adult. So I lined up the fist shot to take her. Then the youngsters after a slight delay decided to run, with a slight delay between the two. It was like one of those penny arcades where your shooting ducks. I took all 3 in the matter of seconds from my deck. :D
  12. TurboDiesel


    Nov 22, 2013
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    Hollidaysburg Pa
    this would not be allowable in Pa. :whistle:
  13. Star Gazer

    Star Gazer

    Nov 8, 2015
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    Right behind you
    I purchased all of the components to my security system separately though all from Amazon. I currently have 24 cameras, some wired, some considered wireless, and some completely wireless.

    Most of the security camera kits you see out there are mismatched and ultimately you won't end up being happy. Some vendors will combine better cameras with a crappy DVR. Some will tout theirs as being high definition but the cameras are crap, and the DVR is outdated. Even using a price point you could be mislead because the cheesy systems may be priced a little less than quality ones, or even higher. I've seen the price range from $500 to $5000.

    But to kind of put you on the right track, here are some components you'll want. Keep in mind, I'm a cheapskate from way back:

    Select cameras that have a minimum of 1000 TVL. These are analog! This places them in the 1 megapixel range without having the price for digital security cameras. The more TVL (TV lines) you have the better quality the picture without going digital. You'll also see most cameras that have a wide angle lens. This is a plus, but beware. A lot of the vendors out there have no idea what the FOV (field of view) actually is. Some will proudly say "Ours have a 70 degree field of view" but it's only rare that they actually are. You could order strictly from one vendor and maybe receive 4 cameras (in a kit) that actually have a 70 degree field of view. The next time you order you might receive 4 cameras (in a kit) or singularly that only have a 55 degree FOV.

    Still on the cameras, you'll want some that have at least 24 IR (infra red) LED's. However, not all are created equal. Some cameras will only have a nigh vision length of 20, 30, even 40 feet, yet tout theirs being able to see anywhere from 50 to 65 feet. That's with the 24 IR LED's. 24 is more than adequate IF they have the potential range of 50 to 65 feet. Some cameras are mislisted as far as their capabilities go. It might be listed as 960 TVL but in reality is actually 960P which is slightly above 1 megapixel.

    Here's a little sticky. Most cameras out there these days have the IR or night vision. But, there are two types of LED's used. One will show a red glow when in use, and others won't show a thing. Personally I like the red glow because that way an intruder will see they are on camera. Otherwise, if they weren't visible, how would the intruder know? I have both BTW. The red ones are 850nM while the ones that don't emit any visible light are 940nM

    Often kits come with these small .5 amp power supplies for each camera. Most people I know don't want to have 8/16/24/or 32 dinky power supplies hooked up when they would be better served using a 5 or 7 amp amp power supplies with a splitter to handle up to 8 cameras. (the more IR's the higher the current draw) Some kits have power supplies that can handle up to 4 cameras as well.

    For your cameras you will need some halfway decent Siamese cables. That's having the power and video all in one. The ones that come in the kit are okay, but the better the cable the better the video into the DVR will be. Something middle of the road or even a step up from the cables that come with the camera kits.

    Now the DVR! You'd need to look for one that will match your cameras. If it says they are CIF, CIF2, or D1 steer clear of those. Even 960H is really not acceptable. Some DVR's accept those, but also handle 720P, 960p, and 1080P, this is the one you want. They are often listed as Hybrids. This is the recording rate. The Hybrids offer the different recording rates as being selectable. So for 1000 TVL cameras, you would select 720P (one megapixel) Depending on how many cameras you intend to use will be the size of the DVR. They come in 4, 8, 16, 24, and 32 camera outlets. And some also have outlets for IP cameras.

    You will also need a hard drive to record on. Usually a SATA drive and often times up to 4 terabyte's in capacity. for a specific DVR. Some DVR's will accept up to 8 hard drives, some only two, and some only one.

    For a better understanding visually, here are two pictures that will help you visualize what I've been saying:

    CCTV Cameras.jpg
    DVR recording levels:
    CCTV DVR.jpg

    You wouldn't want a 600 TVL camera recording at 720p or even 1080p or a 1200 TVL camera recording at D1. Both of those examples are mismatched so the video quality for either will be undesirable.

    Now as for my recommendations, I'll give you a little bit to digest the information I provided. Feel free to ask questions. Keep in mind, I am not an authority on this type of thing.
  14. Star Gazer

    Star Gazer

    Nov 8, 2015
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    Right behind you
    Jack Straw , one thing I forgot to mention. You might want to consider a portable monitor for when you set up a system. It will keep you from having to go up and down the ladder a million times while making adjustments to the camera. The cost of those range from $32 to $400. But remember, I said I am a cheapskate. I picked up a back up monitor for a car without any cameras. I paid something like $13. A couple of adapters and a splitter which I already had on hand and I was all set.

    Now as for a monitor for the security system, well, I use an LCD television that I had laying around collecting dust. It was too good to toss out, but worthless to me as it sat since I don't really watch television.

    I also forgot to mention sound. Most cameras do not come with a built in microphone. If you want sound most DVRs have outlets where you can hook up a microphone for wherever you might want it. Some have two outlets for that purpose.

    Okay, so that was 3 things I forgot. Ooops! :emb:
    Jack Straw and Chvymn99 like this.
  15. Scotty Overkill

    Scotty Overkill Administrator

    Oct 1, 2013
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    Central PA
    Of course you're interesting! You belong to the best forum on the net, your a female and you hoard firewood!!
  16. Star Gazer

    Star Gazer

    Nov 8, 2015
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    Right behind you
    Jack Straw , I do need to ask some questions. First, how many cameras would be suitable for your application? What type of resolution would you want as in will you need to be able to read license plates? Would you be looking to potentially add cameras to the system at some future date?

    Will you want to access the system while your at work via computer? Or on your telephone? Want email pushes when certain areas are violated. Alarms when certain areas are violated? Will the cameras be used mainly outside or both inside and out?

    Would you prefer a system that was all in one as in a kit with hard drive, cables, dvr, power supplies and cameras all included?
  17. Star Gazer

    Star Gazer

    Nov 8, 2015
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    Right behind you
    And lots of other things! :D
    Scotty Overkill likes this.
  18. Scotty Overkill

    Scotty Overkill Administrator

    Oct 1, 2013
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    Central PA
    I'm quite sure. I know we love ya here!
    Star Gazer likes this.
  19. Jack Straw

    Jack Straw

    Oct 3, 2013
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    30 miles west of Albany Ny
    I'm not sure how many cameras I would want. Probably between 4-6. I would like access from my phone. The alarms may be a good idea. Most of the cameras would no outside. I think I would like an all in one kit. All I have is a an iPad. What price range are we talking about. I could probably spend $1k.
    Chvymn99 likes this.
  20. Star Gazer

    Star Gazer

    Nov 8, 2015
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    Right behind you
    Here are several systems to choose from. All have the specs you need but at different resolutions and recording rates. These systems don't come with only 6 cameras. They come with 4, or 8, or 16, etc.

    If I wanted to purchase a kit system, I would go with one of these listed below. The company is reputable and as a whole the security system would meet my needs with the higher resolution and better recording size. Decent field of view (75 degrees) and decent night vision. I chose the bullet type cameras because they can be mounted anywhere. The dome type cameras really can't.

    $799 for an 8 camera system at 1080p
    $449 for a 4 camera system at 1080p

    $499 for an 8 camera system at 720p
    $279 for a 4 camera system at 720p

    I hope that helps.
    milleo, Jack Straw and Chvymn99 like this.