No fire here. Yet. Kicker stove is calling my name! I think there are a couple pieces left over from last season. Just cold and wet and windy all day. Not even sure if if broke 50f.
Looks like we are going to have a few warm days so tonight and for the next few the stove will stay cold. The weather will turn cold and come from the north by Sunday . Im ok with a cold stove for now..... I could use a few days break!
It's been in the high 60s during the day and lows in the low 50s overnight. Not cool enough to light off even a kindling fire yet.
It was crazy warm today. Sunny and 23c! Im stacking wood right now (stopped to check in ) and its very windy and 14c/57f, damm its warm out!. Must be a bear around as Ive heard a few rounds shot in the air. Also staying out of the dark shadows cause I smell skunk!
Only 13c here and for some reason I got the green light to light it up!!!! No intention to argue with her.
Yes sir! I wouldnt argue with her. Shes almost certainly correct. Its a long border scopes are you west or east? I hear Ontario has been crazy warm this fall.
Its 14 in the Southern BC Rockies right now. Stove has been off for a few days. Its a bloody heat wave out here! Im liking the short warm up.
Was 57 outside when I got done work last night. Turned up the pane and it ran for 10 minutes but just didn't take the chill off . First fire with 2 small splits running with the damper open so it wouldn't overheat the house . Dampness was gone by bedtime.
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Ya I'm just north of Woodstock if you know where that is it was rainy and windy yesterday so I made a small fire to dry the house out but the week is suppose to be mid 20's!
chance of rain this morning with chance of thunderstorms this afternoon. Anyway you look at it, we're getting wet! Friday's high will be upper 40's.
Dry as a bone here...still. Eleven inches below normal and officially in a drought with the hurricane brewing in the Caribbean due to blow out to sea (again) before it reaches us. Nice during the day, but chilly at night with frost this morning. Still we are running 3 weeks behind on everything, fall foliage and grass. Heck we hope to hay second crop this week. Last year we were feeding winter hay by this time. I guess in some ways God taketh away (rainfall stunting hay growth), but is merciful too (in that our grazing season is so deeply extended into winter).