We had 40 degrees this morning. I thought it was frost but just heavy dew. Still 8 less degrees and soft water gets hard.
Yeah hot weather that youre not used to can wear you down after awhile, especially if you work outside for a living. Weve had a few summers here where the heat has been unbearable.
Sun out today, but cool and the air is dryer. I've been complaining about the lack of rain, but what little we had, has helped to green up the lawns. Spotty frost warning for tonight. I'm taking a risk and not moving any plants in. I really hate that game every year. Still have a lot of beans waiting to be picked. It is in the 50's here now, so we do have our stove running on stat. (comes on and off by itself)
I was talking to the cattle dealer this morning. I was wrong, we did have frost for the first time this 2016-2017 heating season. I really did see frost! 32 degrees and set to hit 30 degrees tonight and tomorrow night.
Down to 30 tonight here too. Started the OWB this morning. Won't go out 'till some time in late May. Burning spruce & poplar right now.
The temp is sitting on 33 degrees this morning, having some Java at the moment. With Sunday being another cool night, I think we'll have our first fire tonight.
One of the problems we have with radiant floor is, this time of year it takes a lot energy to get the slab from 57 degrees to 80 degrees which thus heats our home. I mean the boiler will run for days at full throttle trying to bring the slab up to temp. That is a true issue so we leave our boiler off until it is so cold we just can't stand it any more, typically around the 1st of November. We do spot heat the babies room with an electric heater as she is so little. But of course once that concrete slab is heated up, it takes very little to keep it warm which is where the efficiency lies. Someday I want to install solar panels to help heat up my slab in the fall as we have the ideal location for it (southern aspect) and the sun is warm during this time of year. It would save a lot of fuel for sure just doing that initial heating.
Sound like a good place for a hillbilly solar heater, a coil of black plastic pipe tossed up on the roof or somewhere out of the road. I know the water in my garden hose mounted on the south wall still gets really hot this time of year...
Next two days highs will be struggling to get into the 50's! And windy. Chili for supper tomorrow....
I started a small Cherry fire after dinner tonight and before I call it a night I'll put in another small load of Cherry.
Warmed up today, but had a few cool days/chilly nights the past week with lows in the low 40s. Fire season has begun. 4 so far. I have an abundance of wood, so will be burning every chance I get. Probably 30 cord, and we plan on only living here for 5 years. Doubtful I can burn all of it. After the last haul a few weeks ago (poplar/holly/walnut/locust), wife announced a firewood restriction. I had to invent places to stack it. Problem? Not to me.
Currently 57. Heading to 40 ish and the high today was 75. House is plenty warm but wanted a fire so burning a bit o pine and some ash. A split of each is all at the moment... But it still counts as a fire Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Look around for that frost. The last month or so, we have been having a very heavy dew every night. I guess we're in a heat wave compared to you though. Upper 40's now, but it won't get much higher for the next two days.
I just came in from out back and no frost. Although I know it is near from the radio. We had our Tomatoes, Peppers, and Cabbage covered from last night to be safe. Everything else is gone by.
We had 37 this morning just before I made the coffee and then had that coffee by a small Cherry fire.