The clouds rolled over the sun late this afternoon so it took a bit of the colour out but this is what we are seeing around here.
Foliage? Yep we got us some, mostly green yet, cept fur da ash trees what gots nuffin on 'em. Maybe just a ting of yeller coming on some oaks.
Went out for a stroll in the bush with the dog yesterday and took my Canon Rebel camera with me but left my card at home Doh! I did take these with my Iphone 5s though. I took a pic of an early turning larch tree (third pic on the right). Most are still pretty green but they have started, soon yellow will fill the valley!
Sean you are making me miss BC. Some leaves are starting to change here on the farm. Love this time of year!
Here's a picture I took yesterday. Actually I cut it off part way up so we'd have some color here even if it is brown.
Very pretty there - one of my favorite spots in the Boston area. It's Cambridge 's drinking water supply. Nice walks, nice people with well behaved dogs. Fun for the kids...
The leaves have really turned here this week. The colors look brighter in person - the late evening light has them looking a bit yellow. Sugar and Red Maple on the lower half have nice color. Northern Red Oak up top haven't changed yet. This is a bit washy, but shows the Red Maples a bit better... If you can, zoom in on the big rock to the right of the barn to see the decorations there.
Here's the rock decorations blown up a bit. My daughters started doing this quite a few years ago with cull pumpkins, and we've been keeping it going since they left for college. With the light right, it makes for a pretty picture.
It's coming along, the swamp maple's go red first, a few sugar maple's are turning and the weeds & ferns are just about brown. The oak is the last, and that hemlock to the right….the porkie's got that one a few years ago.
Beautiful trees and care you have there DaveGunter ! They must listen well to get all them that still in a line