Saw the first leaves turning today on a firebush (burning bush) and the chill in the air is also now beginning.
Fall is definitely arriving. Just realized this is the first day I've worn long pants since June. That's the turning point for me. Long sleeved shirts go on in November.
Suffer snot balls man, I have not worn shorts since my mother stopped dressing me in 1982. As for me, I take off my long handles off on July 3rd and put them back on July 5th!! (Okay that might be an exaggeration, but not by a lot).
The only claim I have on upstate is that our county is the official beginning of "upstate." It's almost laughable being it is so far down in the state, but I'll take it. Gives me one up on the city slickers.
View from the log landing atop of the hill taken this afternoon. (9/15/2016) Not a bad view out of the ole cubicle.
Sure looks like fall is in the air with that picture. I have acorns falling on my paved driveway. They are big this year. That tree is near an area that gets gray water overflow. Looks like the oak took advantage of the extra water that the other trees were not getting.
Now we are talking. The weather was fall crisp like yesterday, and it's the same today. Tomorrow the humidity is back with higher temps. This time of year stinks as it Yo-Yo's back and forth. Summer gets me ready for the best season. Cooler, crisper weather before the snow flies (hopefully, we don't get as much on the south shore of Rhode Island, but a guy can hope for a good solid winter.)
Nothing in Dixie but leaves are falling due to drought conditions. It'll be awhile before it starts turning down here