Here in mid-Maine the severe drought we have is causing the maples to just start to turn red, then drop their leaves. A few of the stressed trees are in full red bloom already which is making it easy for me to deduce which ones are rotten inside and which are not. The Ash is starting to turn yellow, but barely and looking across the ridge, I would say only 1% of the leaves show any color.
Good thread....... We've had slight changing so far, but when we're at peak, we'll be up on a peak-getting the pics!
I'm not seeing much for colors in this area yet. The leaves on the Maples around the house have turned brown and some have hit the ground.
Walnuts are dropping their leaves, has been a very wet summer, still mowing my yard at least once per week sometimes every 5 days. A few maples have a touch of red. We are about 30 days out from average first frost.
Down this end of the state we have green all around. One of my wife's rose bushes bloomed this week. A couple years ago my honey locust and my neighbor's silver birch were turning color and dropping leaves in July. A very dry summer.
Seeing quite a bit of red in maples; both hard and soft maple. Quite a few cottonwood are yellow. Color just here and there so far.
This report is very helpful. But I like the personal pictures that everyone post. Foliage Reports
A few red maples have turned. Should be a lot more. Usually by mid August many red maples have turned and by Sept 20 all have started. Gonna be late this year I believe. Still really green. Our fist fire usually happens the last Wel of Sept . It's still in the high 70s low 80s days .prolly not gonna happen for awhile
The Maine foliage is ok, there is nothing wrong with it. But in NH the reds are redder, the yellows more vibrant, and the orange, well, it just has to be seen. Oh, and btw the Maple syrup from NH is much tastier than from next door in Maine.
I'm heading to New Brunswick to hunt bear for a week on October 2nd. From there I plan to spend a couple days in Maine grouse hunting then head home. Hopefully I'll hit the foliage right and follow the peak south on my way back.
What is the rule of thumb on this page? No picture, it didn't happen? Need some pics please. It's too early for RI, and I love this time of year.
boettg33 I'll try to remember to get some pictures but no promises. My remember is not working properly at all times. Looks like we'll be waiting for our first burn too. Got into the low 40's early this morning but 71 this afternoon. I see 78 predicted for a few days next week. Was hoping for cooler weather as that is definitely above average temperature for this time of the year.