Glad to see ya Cody. Best of luck with your business man. What do you think you will do in the off season? Will you do another type of business?
Welcome to the site MinnesotaCody. Lots of good guys and gals with a ton of knowledge. I have two sons living in the western part of the metro area. We will be up there for a few days at the end of the month.
Welcome to FHC MinnesotaCody, nice to meet you You have pictures of your dog and cool pics of your firewood! Ok you can stay!
Welcome to the club, MinnesotaCody. That's one heck of a great life story, and you're still young. Happy Anniversary, too!
Welcome to the FHC family and your newest online "addiction", MinnesotaCody! You're gonna fit right in here!
Welcome Cody! I love splitting wood but living in baja and playing poker for a living would be hard give up.
Welcome Minnesota Cody. Great to hear your story. If you can make a living doing something you love doing, DO IT!!! Some people will try to talk you out of it, for sure. But doing what you love will add a lot to your quality of life. Rock on Minnesota Cody!
Schlot- I was born in duluth but spent most of my childhood in Aitkin and Crow Wing County. Savage- Yeah I don't mind splitting by hand, I rented the processor to get ahead of it because I simply don't have the time to keep up with how much im outputting, I definitely am aware that I'm in for a world of shoulder and elbow issues if I don't find a way to stress my body less. I don't really see a way to get around stacking it at least twice, either stacking in the truck when loading and then at the delivery spot, or stacking on my lot throwing in truck and again stacking at the delivery location. I know a lot of guys use a measurement of 180ishis cubic ft thrown in, but most of my deliveries are in face cords, it seems like a hassle to find a way to make it efficient to do a similar thing for those smaller loads. I mean long term doing something like splitting mass amounts and store in crates or bags and using a skid loader to load and unload seems like the best way to do it but that'd be a ways off. I'll get on that signature line, can I count my dad's equiptment!?! Tbone- I grew up listening to stories of my father and uncles coon hunting, I however have never had the privilege of running around at 3am chasing coon, originally I wanted to hunt with him but I'm terrified if I get him started I won't be able to shut him off, which could really be an issue when I want him also to be a house pet in a first ring suburb of Minneapolis. Gasifier- A month ago if you would have asked me that I would have said lawn care, but after mowing a few other lawns then my own I found its not as enjoyable, and I think my summers are going to be packed full of prepping wood but we'll see. I'm still playing a bit of poker and I own a duplex so I have a few landlord duties (really it's nothing but that's just the awnser I give relatives that are wondering if I'm ever going to grow up) Missouri- Yeah living in Baja was fantastic, cheap, good food, great people and weather, playing a poker for a living is fantastic, it just wasn't going to be long term viable, the border crossing will make you want to never leave your house again though, it's a different world down there. Frank- Funny you say "rock on" I've spent many months throughout the years as a touring musician, I've been fortunate enough to see the whole lower 48, Winnipeg over to Vancouver and Baja by 25yo, there's a lot of great places on this earth but I can say confidently Minnesota is the greatest, anyone ever been up to the Boundary Waters?! Thanks again for the love everyone, I know people love to see the free wood finds so I'll be uploading a picture on that later on today, I think the bbq guys will be jealous!
Welcome aboard! I knew as soon as I read where you used to live and where you currently live that you would be missing your home! Keep sticking it to 'em!
Welcome aboard Minnesotacody! You certainly have come to the right place! I'm all about following your dreams, gooder for you for finding yours at 25! I also spent 4 years of my life touring with a band.. I wouldn't trade the experiences And friendships I made along the way for anything. Good luck with the business, sounds like you'll do just fine glad to have ya!
Hello MinnesotaCody , nice to meet you, I think others here have pretty much said it all. The folks here really are the best, enjoy!