Gonna be slingin some red oak in the trucks tomorrow. Probably not that high though. Wood beater Dodge (dad's 2nd truck) with 8ft bed and topper filled close to the top squats pretty good though. The Chevy (mine) with 6.5ft gets filled a little above the bed rails. Hopefully remember to take pics before unloading tomorrow.
Load of 19" across red elm quartered. Gave the Chevy a run for its money! There was a little white oak in the front as well. Forgot to take a pic of my dad's 8 ft dodge full of white oak rounds up to 16" across. And completely spaced last weeks truck loads. This scrounge should come out to be about 1 cord of white oak to finish 21-22s wood of a mix of ash, elm, cherry, and red oak. And start 22-23s wood with a cord of white oak and half cord of red elm!
The Toyota keeps running and was money well spent! You like the house? Those are some some beautiful rounds? Looks like 24"? Nice job getting those in the bed!
Where their is a will there is a way lol ya I think the bigger ones are close to 30" and I have some more to buck up getting around the 30-34" range!! And some 4' Maple rounds lots to do.