Only seen one other 041 G and it was a member from here. Nice find! And as MasterMech stated, they are pretty rare!!
I knew it was an oddball when I saw the ad and called about it (it was cheap), but I didn't realize just how rare. The seller was not a saw enthusiast, and didn't realize it was any different from your basic 041 Farm Boss. A friend had given it to him, and when it didn't work he figured it was only good for parts. When I told him I fixed them as a hobby, he just shrugged and replied, "Something to do, I guess." When I rev it a bit I can hear the motor labor as the clutch engages, but the gearbox is solidly jammed and the sprocket doesn't budge, so I'll have to take the cover off before I know what I'm facing. I hope I can still get whatever parts it needs.
If you need help finding a cover for that last one in back let me know Or I have one that looks a little nicer I could trade you Dastardly Dave
That might be quite the challenge. I don't know exactly what is or is not available for those these days but a 40 year-old oddball saw us gonna be tough without finding another one for parts, even if it is a Stihl.
The suspense was killing me, so I pulled the cover off the gearbox. Everything inside was strangely unlubricated. Shouldn't it contain some grease or gear oil? There's only a film of oil on the interior surfaces, and it's all black with what I assume to be metal dust. Anyhow the main problem seems to be the needle cage bearing for the spur gear, which is locked solid. I'll need a small puller to remove that gear. The big bearing that supports the drive sprocket is shot too. The trickiest thing might be that there's a nut on the end of the crankshaft, holding a cover plate over the clutch shoes, and the nut is stripped. (Crank is ok!) The IPL shows a slightly different arrangement, so I have no PN for the nut! Anyhow, it looks like one big bearing, one little bearing, one nut and one gasket. Could be worse. Edit: and a clutch spring!
Pioneer/Partner P62HP,made from 1984-88 in Huron Park,Ontario this 98cc/6 cube beast was a result of the merger before the Elux takeover.A descendant of the well respected Pioneer P60/61/62 series produced from 1978-83.Has Pioneer air filter cover & rear cowling.Most all parts are interchangeable between the Pioneer P60's,these saws & the next version after the Elux takeover - the Poulan Pro 655BP. Great compression,very strong runner the Seller told me (have dealt with him twice before).Am waiting for a new air filter to arrive in a few days before trying it out.....
Homelite 350,450 (will soon have full wrap handlebar),550 (now has full wrap handlebar),Super 650 Pro Mac 610 & Super Pro 125C on floor.
Top - 797,795,1-85 gear drive monster 2nd - Super Pro 105,XL-924W,Pro Mac 850 3rd - Super 1050 Auto,XL-76,750 Bottom -Super 1130G gear drive monster,Super EZ Auto,Super 2000 Auto
What what not a creamsicle? How are you going to make repairs? I am multi saw brand cultured and think it will sit real nice next to my 288xp.