Temps dropped into the low 40's last night and it was pretty damp out. Threw two loads in the grandma and kept the house nice and warm.
Ain't had a fire in 2 weeks and I don't expect to have any more this season. But never say never. I have 6 pieces of silver maple on the covered porch "just in case."
Still having overnight fires, but usually pine and Maple. House is about 72 in the morning, but feels cooler after a couple hours even though the thermometer tells me otherwise. End up putting in a small pine fire mid-morning. Pretty normal around here for this time of year. At least another couple weeks before I can call it for this heating season, and still may have an oddball fire occasionally until June. It is what it is. Very Zen, huh?
hard frost this morning so a little pine and birch are going... got to get house temp over 65 before wife gets home!
I haven't been posting any temps lately but the nights are still cold 20,24 and 26 the last three nights. We're down to one or two small fires a day (Cherry) with the fires at night getting one round of Ironwood (still hoarding that dead Ironwood) I cut last fall that was down. We still have just under .62 of a cord of Cherry left that we planned on burning this year, we'll burn until that is gone or if the nights get warmer we'll stop.
It's like 38 now. Fire started again in the quadrafire. 3 nights in a row. Weird. It's nearly may. Beech branches, and a pizza box with sticks from the yard trees.
It has taken my family a little while to adjust to the "cooler" temperatures in the house without the wood boiler running. It is kinda nice though, having the one less chore of firewood. Especially when it gets replaced by the outside clean up the yard chores!
Don't need a fire as solar gain gets the house up to 70+ as long as it is not raining this time of year. If it rains then the oil burner will run for a cylcle or two if a fire isn't started.
47 F overcast and rainy here in the beautiful south. Got home to a chilly house with heat pump sometimes running. Had 3 poplar and 2 oak splits left, so lit em up. This has just GOT TO BE MY LAST FIRE. Can't believe I had to post this. Eh. (Probably be cool rain tomorrow too)