Spent the whole day cutting, splitting, hauling, and stacking dead ash. All of the trees I worked on today were quite small. This is all I have to show for a full days work. It seems like a small amount of wood for that much effort. Those little trees do not add up very quickly. But it sure was fun, and I will do it all over again tomorrow if I can. It is a great time of year to be out in the woods!
I think my favorites are about 12" in diameter. When you get 6 splits out of a round, that's about perfect. Seems like they add up quicker.
Looks like pretty much the same size maple leaner I snagged out of the edge of the swamp this afternoon. Only got three tractor buckets out of it which is about 8 or 9 days of firewood. Not too bad for 2 hours but it is not split and in a heap doesn't look like much. Nice weather though for trying to replenish the supplies. Small, big, it all burns if it gets c/s/s.
Yeah, EAB has killed all of the ash around here. Kind of a mixed blessing: I love the firewood but I'm gonna miss them ash trees.
IDK Frank and Beans that looks like a nice stack to me. What is that about 1/2 cord maybe a bit more? Yeah I hear you but at least it isnt as hard on your back. I like some of the bigger stuff as well since you get the job done quicker but I sure pay for it afterwards.
Yeah,I think that's about right-- just over a half cord. I am hoping to make another row just like it today. But Sundays are usually a slower pace yet-- I tend to throw in the towel a little earlier.
Frank, we have a lot of those small ones left in the woods. Probably some will end up going to waste. A few have already but not many. We hope to get most of them cut before they turn to punk.
I know how you feel, Backwoods. There's no way I can get to all of them. I would love to quit my job and work out in the woods every day, but I don't see that happening. There's just not enough time to cut as much as I would like. Pretty soon it will be mowing season, then the production goes way down!
We take what we can get. I do the same thing as you, sometimes it's big stuff, but many times it's small rounds. Good for you and your BTU's and a good days work.
Half a cord is nothing to sneeze at! A few more days like that and you'll have quite a pile. No need to kill oneself trying to do all of it in one day!